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Afternoon been cleaning house since this morning got up cooked breakfast started laundry then cleaning bathrooms and floors as I was cleaning I started thinking how wonderful it would be dressed in a maids outfit doing all these chores and being a servant to my SO I’m sure I’m not the only one to have these thoughts or feelings so what do you say ladys have you all had or enjoyed moments like this nothing like a Saturday dressed heels to toes in a maid outfit doing are daily chores lol FYI just a fantasy unable to be dressed at this moment but in my mind I am lol
I once wore a French Maid outfit for Halloween. It even had white ruffle panties. I was planning to hand out candy to trick or treaters dressed like that but chickened out and switched back to guy mode before the first kid showed up.
I could never do that. I have seen far too many porn images where aged men have dressed as maids, but are such poor cross-dressers that they just look sad. I might just be able to pull it off with my experience in makeup and clothing but I could never get the image of those men out of my mind; TBH, I would just feel ridiculous. I sometimes do housework dressed (not often) but I'm wearing my normal femme clothing when I do. I would have said dressing like that is more a sexual thing when one is younger.
Perhaps a Victorian maids outfit might be ok, but there'll be no dainty French maids in this house!
@erinb I don't have a maid outfit, but...I do confess that being dolled makes chores seem less...chorey. 🙂
Since I work from home I dress every day in work appropriate attire. Dresses, skirt & blouse, flats, etc. No maid outfit for me. My wife works long shifts as a nurse so I do most of the house work and cooking while dressed. It's just a natural thing that has evolved over time in our home.
About 40 years ago I liked the idea of owning a french maids outfit. But when I wore one at a dressing service in London and saw the photos it was a case of.... "OK been there, done that"
I have never done the french maid thing, but often do housework en femme. When my wife and I were first dating she said she read in Dear Abbey that doing the house work nude made it more fun, just besure to wear an apron when frying bacon. That image has stuck in my head these forty years later. I enjoy doing housework en femme, but not naked.