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I know they're just breast forms, but gosh they feel good! How they get in the way! How they are "there" all the time! My question is, do GG's have these same emotions about their um, two physical gifts? As for me, I have never asked a GG, "Do you love having breasts?" Does anyone have an account of discussing this with their wife or a SO? Like - if you are a C cup or bigger, do you ever get used to them, etc? For a GG, are you thrilled or ecstatic? I'm up this morning, my coffee, satin nightgown & robe, a full bra, and I'm absolutely loving it. While we're on the subject, if you have had surgery, how would you describe your change in emotions about how they feel, compared to your happiness with forms?
Hi Dani, Himmm, I guess I can dish a little here having first no breasts, then getting very nice 36B cup breasts with perky nipples, and then finally going to deflated breasts in old age. I got breasts by accident (see my profile for more info) and was freaked, worried and embarrassed. I hid them, they were in the way when I tried to slide under the car to weld an exhaust pipe, no more shirts and skins bball games or swimming. They got LOTS of unwanted attention to the point that I worked hard not to show them. Then finally one day I'd had enough and figured if they were going to follow me around (actually lead me around) we were going to have some understanding of the rules. It seems to me that as girls develop breasts they go through this attitude change also. So when I accepted my intersex situation and started living as a mixed-body woman and wanted to show them off I would wear something low cut and use their power. Cleavage gets attention and you could drive a truck through mine. Then I had to control the power since there are a lot of crazy men who can get real aggressive so I learned to throttle it back for daily life. Also, I wore a bra daily to prevent flopping and chaffing. It's not very pretty, just functional much like your daily shoes. Pretty is for special times not for real work like lumberjacking. My breasts were small and fit my frame so they weren't too heavy or bothersome but women with large breasts would offer to share some of theirs with me while saying they admired my petite figure but were real tired of hauling their's around all the time and dealing with backaches, unwanted attention and clothing problems. Conversely, skinny women would say things like wouldn't you just like to have a full D cup for a night and wear an evening gown that makes everybody drool?...On discussing this with my wife and various other women friends it seems that breasts are just part of the life and every woman deals with what they have be they big, small, pointy, floppy, not needing a bra etc, just like every man deals with muscles, hair, jobs, height, weight etc. Then there is the final act when your breasts take a bow and sag and evaporate to the point of loose being flabby balloons. Not everybody has this (I do now) but it's part of life and different women react differently with some rejoicing and some with sorrow (now I can easily weld under the car and if I want to recreate the times of old I just dig out my pushup bra and literally push everything back up. So, that's my take on firsthand boobs in a lifetime. I hope that is helpful, Marg
When I started my second real job, I saw that there was a young office worker who had huge breasts. I took pity on her without knowing what she must go through in life. The ridicule, the awkwardness, the eventual pain.
I have found my own pain problem from bra straps holding the weight of forms. Today I feel a bit of that without any forms! Shoulder pain caused by bra straps is often due to a condition called bra strap syndrome, or costoclavicular syndrome. Basically, a pinched nerve that can give me a numb feeling up to and across my jawbone.
Bigger isn't necessarily better.
Hi! As a man with breasts I can 100% say I LOVE having them. I've got my self to a 42 H- I cup now. No they are not oo big. Hope I can get them bigger. I always wondered myself years back, what real breasts would be like. They are FANTASTIC! I took some getting used to when they really took off and grew in 2022, but now I'm not afraid for them to show under tighter shirts or sweaters. One wish would be that every one here who wants them would be able to have them too. I know ya'll would love them too!
Tina A
Love my forms not to big and not to small, I have a c cup and absolutely love them makes me feel more feminine.
Alexis Grace xx
Really like having boobs when dressed , they makes me feel more feminine , makes me feel complete .
My wife at the age of 32 was diagnosed with a rare form of breast cancer.. one breast was partially removed and at the age of 75, continues To wear,a prothesis to balance out the appearance of her breasts …she has overcome that she is “not perfect” and very grateful that her cancer could have been worse .
I love the feel of breast forms so much that I wear them virtually 24/7 in one of my ultra-comfy Bali bras. I have a pair of solid silicon forms that I sleep in every night. It's such a wonderful feeling when you wake up in the morning and the first thing you feel is the forms pressing on your chest. Great way to start the day.
Oh girls, you're getting me all hot and bothered 😂. Firstly I'm very much a crossdresser. I love my man side too. So I'd never take any steps to acquire real boobs. But I so long to try forms. You know my situation ladies. As part of my planned week en femme in May I had some triangle forms in my Amazon basket. Just size B. I favour a modest bosom. But as that ultimately didn't work out I am still to experience the excitement of wearing my first fake boobs. I can just imagine the bounce, the weight and the look of them in my bra. Hopefully one day...
Hugs, Chrissie xx.
My wife had large breasts and always said that if she ever was reborn she would be flat chested. As for me I have forms that fit my 38B bra which I wear at home but sometimes forget they are there and go out with them in place. I would love real breasts but at my advanced age it just isn't going to happen
Apart from the biological functions and medical implications of natural womens breasts they are as much an issue to them as us. There are women who do not care but those that do have a myriad of thoughts about them.
We often know of women that want to get the bra off as soon as they get home, breasts to big, too small, wrong shape. A friend of mine was quite voluminous but a small frame, oh she knew the guys ogled her but it was not comfortable and causing back pain so she had a breast reduction. It is a topic of conversation among women and even filters into daytime T.V. Others have breast enlargement and why are there 'booster' bras and chicken fillets along with other enhancers? Bra fitting is an industry too and so is the selection of bras from being sensible to sassy.
I have been fortunate to have worked with women as trans entering into the world of their conversation and the subject is very much talked about. They have breast envy of others and will compliment another on the breasts and have lively opinions. I too had a nice compliment on wearing a lower cut dress at a dinner from another lady I know. I haven't much but using the same products available to women, correct bra and enhancers I can achieve something nice.
I suppose for us to have breasts is an affirmation of femininity and if we all had them in the variety of shapes and sizes we'd be talking about them the same as women as having perfect breast forms is lovely but real life isn't as nice.
The headline of this forum topic alone makes me laugh. Breasts. Now there’s a subject everyone has an opinion about!
I’m in the “proportionate” to your size camp here. Don’t get me wrong, a pair of larger than normal examples displayed attractively is going to turn my eyes down every time. I have done double-takes with pics of girls on here even, wondering how do they do such a good job with those, they look real.
I’ve known two women who’ve had reductions because they caused them serious back problems. One recently did it because she’s devoted to playing sports and they “slowed her down.” When she told me I asked - How far down in cup size you gonna go and she said: “Teenage boy.” LOL!
Coming from the beauty industry breasts were always a big topic, in more ways than one. When my wife and I owned a salon it was the daily topic of conversation. My salon staff either had’em, wished they had’em or were saving for’em. 3/4 of the girls had’em. My wife, who was a fine B cup I always thought, got’em. Which I did think was a bit weird after being married 5 years, but I’m a live and let live guy. You want’em, get’em. I do recall her saying - “Most men would love it!” (I ain’t most men honey😊) Although I wouldn’t admit it at the time the road signs to the end of that marriage were appearing and that was a big one. It also didn’t help that the nickname of my salon became “Hooters”. Even my cheap-a** brother - who thought our haircuts were way too expensive - was a customer just for the cleavage views.
As a crossdresser, of course I’ve always loved brassieres - so many styles and colors. Even in my earliest sexual encounters I would think, leave the bra on please. It didn’t take long to figure out there was only so much you could do with those fun bags -so you moved on to bigger things.😊
Oh yes, morning coffee and breast discussions. It’s already a good day!
Dani, I like your post, good question about having breasts since guys generally don't have much breast tissue - duh. My wifey of many years never really talks about her "boobies" other than to acknowledge that yes, she does in fact have breasts. They are a part of her like her arms and legs, and the "you know what" part that guys have.
Having said all that, when I crossdress I would not mind wearing a bra and breast forms, it would be fun to look down at my faux "boobies" just like it's fun to look at my painted toenails. Girly stuff. Wifey however has limits, she kinda accepts me dressing but says NO to bras and forms. So I go out in the world as a flat chested gal, but have solace knowing that there are a lot of flats chested gals in cute dresses out there.
BTW, wifey hates her bra and takes it off the first thang when she gets home. She laughs when I mention that I would like to try a bra. The dynamics of crossdressing indeed.
Again, I liked your post. Have fun with your bra and forms. Staci (jealous)... smile
To me, breasts are such a prominent part of the female anatomy. I see myself as a woman and I want to have all of the physical attributes of a woman including a woman's figure. I would love to have breasts so for me it is a big deal.
When at home and not going out, I often don't wear forms. But occasionally I do even if I'm planning to stay in. If I'm going out they are a must.
I used to feel my arms brushing against them while driving and making a turn, now I don't even notice.
I know a GG who calls them "crumb catchers."