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How did you come up with your gurl name

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Reputable Member     New York, United States of America
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Hey Ladies

was wondering how everyone came up with their gurl names.  
mine was I met a women on line who called herself Rosie.  After we chatted she then said her real name was Beth.  So I teased her calling her Rosiebeth.  After we split I decided I loved the name and adopted it for myself.  

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Reputable Member     British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 215

@rosiebeth Johann would be my male name if I lived in a Germanic country… Joanna is close to that. Here I’m Joannajoy, Joy is the middle name of my youngest daughter. So I’m Joannajoy Jett…. Jo for short

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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I hadn't given any thought to a female name before I decided to sign up so when I was asked for one it was a case of "omigod, omigod omigod, what will I choose?" Having come to terms with my inherent laziness long ago, I did what many do and used a variation of my male name. 

I soon tired of Alexina and shortened it to Allie, much better. 

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Estimable Member     Kentucky, United States of America
Posts: 89

@rosiebeth Mine came from my Irish roots Áine awn yay) is the goddess of the sun, prosperity, and midsummer, ofter represented by a red stag, which so happens my family crest is represented by a stag as well. I have always loved the name, and is no where close to my evil male name lol

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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Here's the relevant bit from my profile:

I've tried out several femme names on myself over the years. Ultimately, when I allowed my inner girl to fully surface all of those disappeared because it became clear from the get go that she wanted to be called 'Ellie'. It wasn't a conscious decision. I didn't sit down with a list of names and select one. Ellie was Ellie and that was that, discussion over. My nan was called Ellen (always called 'Nellie') so on one level it feels like the name has been passed down to me through the generations. Now, in my internal monologues, 'Ellie' is the name I go by entirely.

Recently I found out that 'Ellie' means, variously, 'sympathy', 'compassion' and 'shining light'. I love that!

Ellie (Ellen) x

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Honorable Member     Brindisi- BDS, Apulia / Puglia, Italy
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@rosiebeth my legal name is now Greta and I explained in my profile where it comes from

Xoxo from Italy 🇮🇹


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Estimable Member     El Segundo, California, United States of America
Posts: 73

@rosiebeth Davina is the female version of my male name. My wife had a roommate in college by the same name. When I started changing my style, I wanted a new name that I felt was more appropriate, and Davina just seem to fit.

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Trusted Member     Ulster, Ireland
Posts: 56

@rosiebeth I always had an interest in mythology  and landed on the name Persephone, who was Queen of the Underworld. I found this very apt as my female side never got to see the light of day either. Perse is just a shortened version

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Noble Member     Goldsboro, North Carolina, United States of America
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I went through many names, discarded each one for varying reasons, then just couldn't come up with any more. In frustration more than anything else, I just feminized my name and it stuck.

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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
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Let’s just say if i transition everyone would still know me by name 😉 

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Trusted Member     Iowa, United States of America
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I was called "Dee" when I was small by family members. Little did they know that would be my feminine name later down the line.

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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It was the name if I were to be born a girl. I asked my mother many years ago so that has stuck. When I was younger she did call me 'Shirley' as of Shirley Temple because I had curly locks and many years on after coming out she called me Angela, which was nice as she accepted me.

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Prominent Member     Belvidere, Illinois, United States of America
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I use my real name, just changed the y to an i.

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Estimable Member     Maryland, United States of America
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As you can read on my profile, I can up with Ashlyn by looking at a list of baby girl names 🙂!

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Mine is named from 2 celebrities from the 1980s. I chose my femme name in about 1985. My surname is from my hair colour.


Anna xx

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Prominent Member     Honesdale, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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I wanted a name that had some meaning to me.

I also wanted a name that was in no way construed to be male or a conversion of a male name, like Robert/Roberta, Donald/Donna and the like.

My first crush was a wonderful girl named Cheryl. We never did get together, but I will never forget her. Also I love the name and it's not something anyone will confuse with a male. 

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Famed Member     New York, United States of America
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I first started with the name Dianne which I used for a few years. But when I started to prepare for going out in public for the first time I decided to change it to better represent the new me. I had been trying to decide between a few when I saw a middle aged actress on a British mystery TV show that I thought was very attractive. When the credits rolled, I saw her name was Fiona and I immediately knew that was the one I wanted, it was perfect. 

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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I've answered this before but I gave my name no thought whatsoever. Just an extension of my male first name and the most common UK surname. But I think it trips off the tongue ok. I wasn't expecting to stay. I mean no-one warned me this is the best CD resource on the planet. Love you girls xx. 

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Famed Member     Outer Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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Another I've said it before, but lets do it all again.

Back circa mid 80's a lady name Catherine came to our house to drop her kids off for childminding whilst she and hubby were going to a formal ball.

A stunning blond, hair and make up perfect and wearing a flowing apricot chiffon gown.

So it was inevitable that when I had the opportunity, I would replicate the above.

Anyone going through my photos will easily see that a/. my hair and make up were done by a pro and b/. this shot was taken at least 10 years ago. This old chook(trans) chicken has aged somewhat since. But the gown still fits me so that's gotta be a good thing.







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Estimable Member     Tasmania, Australia
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I choose Clara after the Dr's companion on Dr Who. Just liked thed the name for it ununisality..  I didn't really feel any of the more traditional/common girl names suited me.

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Trusted Member     Sandusky, Ohio, United States of America
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The funny thing is... For most of my life...I've hated when people called me Bobby because it's a "girls name". When I set up my profile, it was the only name that came to mind. For me, it fits perfectly since I'm embracing my girl side. Heels...I love heels. I've always loved what they do for the look of ladies legs. When I got my first pair I found that I can walk in them without feeling like a newborn foal. Plus, I like the way they make my calves look! Lol

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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1-2-1, in confidence please, one of these is actually my middle given name. The other, well, I just love alliteration. 💚

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