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My wife asked me a question today, while I was talking to her about one of our illustrious members: She asked me if I saw everyone here as female. I had to reply that I did.
Despite the fact that 99.9% of members here are actually men, I manage to put that to one side and not even think about it. If I regularly thought of everyone as their true gender, I'm not sure I could be here.
I know my recently-mentioned health issue was male, but I put that on here because it is relevant to most people here, to some degree anyway—but usually when I'm on CD Heaven, I'm talking to women, usually about women things.
Do you naturally think of us all here as women, or do you sometimes struggle with the dichotomy?
That's an interesting question Becca it's something I've never really thought about, maybe it's because we all use names that are associated with women that we take it for granted that we are talking with other women,
A lot of our small talk is about women's things like that's a nice dress 👗 i bought some new heels 👠, I'm going to the salon to get my hair done and whilst I'm there I'm getting a manicure 💅 and i think I'll have a pedicure too, it's not what men really talk about if I'm in the pub with some men friends we talk about football and politics and other men's stuff,
Hugs Roz X
I personally think of everyone here as a cross dresser. Not amab or fmab, uniquely cd. If someone is out as trans etc that would be unique or if someone has pronouns I would follow that too.
While I may not be technically a woman I can still suffer from a woman’s disease. I have developed a lump in my right breast and had to have a mammogram to evaluate it. Boy having your boob squished in a machine is an event I never thought I’d experience.
I view all of us as lovely ladies whether we are talking about skirts and heels or sports and beer .
I would have to say I probably think of more of the members here as men than women. The people who call out they are transgender or intersex I see as women. Those who have socially transitioned or further I also see as women. But I don't think of the part timers as women.
A couple of points to this. I don't say "Hi Girls" or "Hi Ladies" when I go into chat. I think a lot of the topics brought up here are unique situations for males trying to dress as females. These are different than some unique situations that a cis-female has talking with other cis-females.
I think the questions I see and the answers I give tend to be helping a male with female tendencies negotiate this world we live in, or occasionally helping a female deal with a male with feminine tendencies.
I always have to remember that that the girls on here are not truly girls. There are several girls on here in which that is very hard to do. They are every bit as passable as if the were born with correct chromosomes. Wow!!! Some of you have got it going on !!!
I’m a girl trapped in a male body, trapped in a male world, I was born male…but when I come here I am free to be a lady, amongst other ladies , and be part of a ladies world, and that is a beautiful thing.
I see other girls on here as 'other girls like me'. I see them just as I see 'real women', and feel way that I do towards them.
I find attractive Tgirls just as attractive as genetic ones. More so, in fact. I have decided that it must be to do with the clothes they are wearing. Beautifully clothed and made-up Tgirls... mmm! lol
I do find genetic girls attractive when they are 'dressing down' as it were, but I don't feel that way about CDs; women can be attractive in jeans and T-shirt and without makeup. Men in jeans and T-shirts? Not a chance! 🙂
Great question. I think of everyone else on here as female and think of them using she / her.
I just see myself as a bloke who likes makeup and pretty dresses.
Anna xx
I've never really given it any thought. I think I've always viewed everyone as feminine just in varying degrees of progression.
Hi Becca!
When I joined CDH in 2019 I felt everyone here was a man in a dress. (Except for a few SOs who are GGs.)
There have been many times since then that I have completely succumbed to the notion that we are all women. But it's a temporary notion. The first few times it happened I have to say I was quite surprised. Sudden realization caused me to "snap back to reality". It was amazing really. Coming from my upbringing, it was nothing short of shocking that I would even entertain the concept of such a notion, much less FEEL it.
In the last 5 years my feelings on many things have changed a bit. Especially how I see myself.
I see transwomen as women. I see the rest of us a part time women who are basically men with feminine characteristics. Some have much stronger feminine characteristics than others. Many, myself included, are in flux. Changing as they age and becoming more feminine with time.
I think that's a beautiful thing.
A very interesting question that I've never given much thought. When I'm here I'm talking to other CD's or TG's discussing feminine things which, in my opinion, makes us ladies. Special ladies but ladies. I don't see me having conversations about lingerie, dresses, skirts, blouses, make up, wigs, heels (any female shoes for that matter) with my male friends. Heck it took a good period of time before I could have conversations like that with my wife. I think it is a mind set as to how we view ourselves and each other. I will readily admit that I wouldn't come close to passing or blending in as I have a goatee my wife won't let me shave off (I think it is her way of keeping me indoors when dressed - lol). We accept our feminine side and express it as we see fit for ourselves. Someone mentioned kissing - I don't have issue with that as most cis females air kiss or cheek kiss when they meet. If that is the type of kiss you're speaking of I don't see anything wrong with that it is just an extension of your femininity. Now if you're speaking of a more passionate kiss, well that is another matter.
Bottom line we all love wearing female clothes, being feminine and sharing our experiences, how we perceive each other is an individual matter. When I am here I am talking to my sisters and address them as ladies or girls and use proper pronouns for the situation. Like anything else everyone has an opinion and no one is right or wrong. Enjoy being here and being able to share with like minded people.
For a long time (decades) I thought I was alone. It has been a breath of relief to find this place and realize I'm not and to be a member of an understanding and loving community of like minded people.
I just see people
Altho the vast majority of us are biologically male I see all of us, myself included, as women when online or in the company of others. In online exchanges, I will often lead with a greeting of "Hello ladies" or something of that sort. I can also find another CD or TG attractive - can't stop being attracted to the female form. As a younger person I might have found this confusing but not now. It's all part of the fun and fantasy for me.