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how do think cross dressing will have progressed in 100 years from now?

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Famed Member     Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

hi girls 🙂 have I got one heck of a topic for you!

as time moves so merrily forward, how do you think our cross dressing future is going to hold out in 100 years from now? so far we have seen minimal acceptance within society, which I for one find desperately disappointing, while other areas such as homosexuality have moved on a little further, albeit with lots of hard work and time. to be fair, we have barely moved forward since Victorian times (1800's). so girls, do you think we are all going to receive that magical miracle and be able to walk out of the door dressed fully femme and be totally accepted in society 100 years from now, or sooner! let me know your views and other aspects of cross dressing that might change within 100 years from now. I regret I cannot provide any of you with a crystal ball but use your best guess! hugs xx

fiona xxx

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Posts: 133
Estimable Member     Mississauga, on, Canada
Joined: 9 years ago

HI Fiona,

Society is Progressing Along. Maybe not as fast as we would like. But I believe we are further head than Victorian Times.  We can shop in stores or on line. I don't think most people care. a lot of it is in our own Anxiety. I have been to Starbucks several times dressed and was welcomed. ever since the incident in Philadelphia last spring all their employees have received training to welcome everybody. As to your question the world will have advanced so far by 100 years from now. it wont matter how anyone is presenting. Genders of all kinds will be well understood.


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