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Waxing, shaving, epilator, electrolysis? Tried waxing.. messy. Electrolysis.. seriously considering. Epilator.. like them but hate letting the hair grow for the optimum effect. Shaving.. last resort but always effective. Problem is it's short lived. What's a girl to do? Your thoughts?
Just keep a supply of Nair around. It too doesn't last, but less effort than shaving.
Stop your whining, you sound like a sissy lmao
GG's who care have been fighting this problem forever, welcome to their world. Yes its a PITA, but the outcome is amazing
Like so many other things in our lives, there isn't, nor neccessarily should there be an instant magical fix.
<p style="text-align: center;">As has been said,</p>
If you want the effect, put in the effort.
If you want it done right, do it yourself.
Sorry it sounded like whining. That was not the intent. I'll continue to do what it takes, because I love the results. Just figured I'd share my experiences to generate a greater response. Love the feedback.
I was just poking a bit o fun Mina
OK Olivia,
Thanks for keeping me on my toes.
I currently shave and by the next day I can feel the peach fuzz. I'm planning on getting epilator. I don't really care that the hair grows back. I just want to be soft and smooth fot more than 8 hours.
You will like the epilator. It slows hair growth but works best when the hair is at a certain length.
Thanks for your reply.
<p style="text-align: left;">I am waiting for the cooler weather to try it. Once I am wearing long pants again I can let the hair on my legs grow out a bit then yank them out. How does it work for you underarms? Do you get a lot of red bumps?</p>
Hey Tiff,
Which IPL did you get? I heard it takes while to do your legs. Can't just go zip, zip and done.
Don't think I would try it there might raise the eyebrows. Elsewhere, primarily legs you will have redness that disappears in a day.
Currently going through rounds of laser hair removal with a professional service, Milan Laser. Have achieved very good permanent results. However, laser does not affect grey hair. This older gurl wishes she had done this years ago. Now also having electrolysis done to permanently remove grey hairs on face, neck and chest. Expensive?...yes but looking forward to permanently being smooth/hair free and never needing a razor.