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Have you ever asked yourself how far you are taking crossdressing? It is a question I have been asking for a while now. I had a long dormant period and have been crossdressing regularly now for the last 3-4 months. I have purchased lingerie and clothes. I have waxed my back and arms and soon this week will have my chest and stomach done. The legs are the last to do and I have been seriously thinking about having them done. I hesitate because it seems so final, yet ...
I know the answer is "as far as you would like", however I can't be the only one who has ever asked this question. I'm curious to know how this has gone for others.
Great topic Rachel. I am actually asking myself that for the last month. I had a long period of not dressing and the same as you have started back a few months ago. I am going to a CD dressing and makeover appointment in a few weeks to see how I would actually look with a professional makeover. If I like what I see I am going to continue dressing and might start venturing out some. It is a wait and see for me, but I am definitely enjoying it a lot.
Thanks Michelle. I am sure it will all go well for you. I have been tempted lately to do the same: get a makeover, and see how it all looks. I enjoy crossdressing and love the feel of the fabrics. Let me know what happens with the CD dressing.
Let’s say it’s like picking up a book. But it’s a series and you are in Book 1. You love it, can’t put it down. You can’t wait to get home so you can again pick it up. Then you finish it. You then immediately jump into Book 2. You don’t neglect other things but your personal time is now fully focused and engaged. You are so content spending it this way. At this point some of your dreams reflect those books. Then Book 3. It’s a little different twist from the first 2. Oh but you really like it. You begin to regret that there might be a last book, but with several more to indulge you keep at it. You feel that your time has been wonderfully spent.
I won’t spoil the ending - when you get to the end of the final book.... it’s a very good ending.
I too ask or wonder, from time to time, how far am I going to take cross dressing. However, I notice for the last few months, I seem to be very content with presenting as my female self, two, possibly three days a week. Moreover, after two days straight of cross dressing, I am more than ready to reset being my male self for a couple of days. Actually, the amount of work it takes to put my female self together is enough to make me want to take a break for two or three days. Nevertheless, if I know I have to go somewhere for a week or more and will not be able to cross dress, I get very anxious, since that is way too long to keep the girl bottled up.
My take? We are all different, each one of us is a unique individual. I don't see this cross dressing journey one bit, as being one-size-fits-all.
Hugs, Peggy Sue
Hi Trebora,
I love, love, love your analogy. What a great way to look at it I think I have progressed to
book 2.
We all help each other. Enjoy the books...
Hi Rachel! I am a cross dresser for 80 per cent. I some mades, in 20 per cent as a male.
I thought to be transsexual somewhere several things but can't cannot money, I am too old now. Actual.....I and happy with now I am. Anyway....I have several heart issues, diabetes and now and lost the fat and now skinny from 260 lbs. and now 153 lbs. I surgeons would do not now. Often even.
Dame Veronica
Hi Michelle, I hope you have an incredible time at your makeover appointment , I find them absolutely heavenly , what a professional can do is phenomenal. I had my quarterly one just last week & am still glowing . Tiff ☺👠👗
As far as my dressing, it hasn't changed when I started at a young age...only that I can now do it much more often.
If anything, I am always finding new methods that I use to help ensure sure I keep this secret.
Hi Rachel, great question and one I have pondered. I truly believe that reflections like this can help us in our learning of who we are and where we may go.
Cool analogy as seeing this as a series of books.
Hi Rachel,
That is a very good question. I know how far I'd like to take it, but I'm also faced with reality about it as well. I have a lot of work to do to look as beautiful as some of you women do! hahaha.
But there are other factors of course.
Love and hugs,
What a good question 🙂
Since I was able to crossdress frequently a couple of years ago, I've always set myself simple achievable goals on what I was going to do next. Once I get through most of them I usually sit back and say to myself yay ! then work on the next set of goals. There is always something to do/achieve to improve your look, improve your wardrobe, go out to specific places. ...
One of my current goals is to look femme in trousers/jeans - still a work in progress - but I'm slowly getting there 🙂
There are limits though - being in the closet - so I'm amazed how much I've done
Are you OK, Veronica? Do you live alone? Do you have access to medical help? Do you need someone to come visit you?