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Hello everyone. This is the best way I can sumize my situation. I am Mikayla. I was stuck in the closet for 45 years. Then 3 years ago we moved to the isolated north. I was finally allowed out, and little by little I was allowed to be out most of the time. Now HE gets the closest while I get to run the show. I only let HIM out when I need some manly work done or to go out in the public or if visitors show up For now. I can never pass so it's gotta be that way. Don't worry, I torture him the whole time. Lol . HE HATES boy clothes now. Mwahaha. Sometimes I let HIM change for the ride home from town.. I have been slowly taking over and I am not done yet. I convinced HIM to join up here. That was a Big challenge.. HE would never do it. HE is still conflicted about it. Next step, pierced ears that I have been dying for forever. Hmm, I love hoops and dangleys. Guess I will have to get HIM some manly ones for going out. Lol. Oh this is going to be fun. Wish me luck Mikayla
Hello Mikayla. I love how you have taken over, and are teaching HIM how things are going to work. I hope to do the same thing soon. Hugs Rochelle.
Hi Rochelle. Bit by bit I'm getting HIM to see my way of thinking lol. But HE is stubborn
Howdy Mikayla and welcome to CDH. Yes....we women must take over....men have made such a mess of everything and as usual, we get to clean it up. Well, a new broom is going to hit this world....glad we are wielding it! LOL....hint, inuendo! Look forward to more helpful hints from you sweetie....till then....Bear Hugs!
Dame Veronica
G'day Dame Veronica. Appreciate the welcome. Been a hell of a battle but being the domenant one now makes it a little bit easier. But HE doesn't go along quietly. Lol I am slowly winning though. All my best Mikayla
Hi Mikayla and do understand that conflict but its time to put Him away little by little so you can be your real self hon. Big hugs and not alone
Thanks Diane. I am in a very frightening point in my life. As a recluse I have way to much time to ponder and reflect on my life and where it's heading. There's always been the battle of the 2 sides of me and can get very dark at times. I have noticed that I am starting to dominate HIM in the last year or so. All my best Mikayla
Best wishes ❤️❤️
Your post has been inspiring to me. Every time I read it I push myself to do a lil something girly for myself. Less missed opportunities to dress and more exploring my girly need to be pretty.
Thanks Ronnie.. I have been letting more of ME out little by little. I have let my hair grow out, have longer nails, getting good at tweezing my brows and got ears pierced (YAY) not bad at make up either, and joined CDH and TDH. I love being ME finally. Only catch is it gets harder to switch back to HIM when needed. Sort of hate having to, to be honest. All my best. Mikayla
Hello Mikayla,
Your story is inspiring. I have found myself stealing any opportunity to bring my full femme out. Looking forward to hearing more, 🌸
Thanks Courtney. I thought of it being more of a ramblings of a nutcase Lol. After joining and reading all of the articles and posts I've discovered, I'm NOT ALONE. Cant believe how many of you are copying ME.! Coming out to all of you has been uplifting and terafying at the same time but pretty sure my secret is safe here.
All my best Mikayla
Where U?
In DownUnder Country?
I'm in the EVIL empire country (according to trump) Canada. Northern Ontario to be more specific