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Hi girls.
So I dress like once a year but I'm probably on CDH for an hour every morning and again another hour late at night. I think I'm living my life vicariously through all your wonderful experiences. So how long do you spend on this wonderful site?
I like to check in during the morning and then again in the early evening. If a topic is a hot one maybe more. Also try to visit all the new ladies when they sign up if possible. Some days it might be for a few hours and other times a few minutes. A little shorter since I revealed myself to my wife who is very accepting of my lifestyle.
For a few months now I have been going back in CDH several times a day. The time I spend here always varies.
I'm another one who is always logged in and just drop in as and when. Like now, for instance! 🙂
Part of my morning and "beer o clock" before dinner routine. Yes I know beer is not that "femme" but that's what happens. Tho it is zero alcohol, hope that helps.
I'm usually on for an hour or two in the morning. That is my quiet time so most of the time I am dressed in some manner. When here I check out the forums and most mornings join in on chat discussions. I find it to be a great way to start my day. There are times that I am able to log on during the day, but not very often.
I tend to check in few times a day when working at home, and then again later in the evening as my wife tends to head up to bed by around 10pm.
Weekends, not so much, although last weekend was an exception. I seemed to be logged on constantly following the amusing updates from Jacqueline’s wonderful tales of the Leeds trip 🙂
I work from my own home office so I have my PC and work's PC both running and swap between them. Working From Home is quite a convenient euphemism at times 😳 So I'm logged into CDH during working hours, plus I normally log on from my laptop at 'home' - the OH's place - in the evening. But I have to keep the screen out of her sight when I'm on CDH because she doesn't know about Fiona! Always have to be aware of her movements and ready with the keyboard shortcut to jump into my other browser window, with news and car-club tabs open, and lock the screen when I'm away. Ahh the subterfuge!
I try to go online every day. I find it very Therapeutic it helps me cope. I love looking at all of our photos. I wish I could comment on all of them, because we are all beautiful people.
Like Fiona, I have my own laptop and work laptop running side by side. CDH is on mine all day. I keep tabs on the forums and try to make sure I cause as much trouble in the Chat Room as I can. It's a busy job, but someone's gotta do it 🙂
I said once a day but it's probably more than that as I like to keep up with things in the feminine world. Right now, it's 3pm and I'm sat watching the snooker on the TV and scrolling idly through the forum. I am having a long-term test of my new breast forms and hip pads and have been dressed for nearly six hours; completely got used top the feel of everything now, including the wig. This is all in prepration for going to the theatre in a couple of months to see Everybody's Talking About Jamie where I think cross-dressers will be quite prevalent considering the subject matter of the play.
I find myself visiting multiple times per day, for on average 15-30 minutes each time. Some days more, some less, depending on other demands on my time. I generally check first to see if I have any notices, and then for any new posts of interest. Hugs, Cassie
It's complicated. Sometimes I am on several times a day, other times I may not visit for weeks, and everything in between.
I'm in and out several times a day.
Hi Chrissie,
It varies for me, sometimes I will be on several times per day, but then not on for a week or two.