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How many nurses does it take ...

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Duchess Annual
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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
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... To take a blood sample?

In my case it was 4.

I've mentioned it in a couple of pms, but I thought I'd share. 

I was sent to the local hospital for a precautionary blood test. (No need for sympathy, I'm sure I'm fine). I wasn't dressed. I'd just put on shorts to make it easier to inspect a swollen leg. But I had my usual bling and what with my long hair and currently longish nails, I was obviously a 'person of interest '. So I had 1 nurse doing the business and another three chattering away to me about my travels and my opal rings. I loved the attention but ...

Grrr ! Why now, I could have done with this attention 50 years ago, lol !

I'm due for a follow up scan today. Shining up my nails, and wondering what to wear. What's the betting that I get attended by a grumpy old matron this time ☹️ ?

Love your day !

eM x

(Added edit)

All done, I love the NHS. When it works there's nothing better. The staff were lovely.

Also the first time anyone's seen my knickers. A brand new pair of black lacy ones. And the scanning nurse / technician spent plenty of time checking out my groin area ! (for evidence of a DVT of course). Not a word.




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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
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@emmat The only time I've gotten that kind of attention was when I had an appointment for a dental cleaning on Halloween. (For an example, see my photo from the 2023 Halloween contest.) All the hygenists came in to look at my nails. And I got a funny story from the dentist about when he wore a skirt one Halloween. He began his story with "I don't know if you've ever worn a skirt, but ...." I'm smiling to myself, thinking "Only as often as I can," but not saying anything.

Duchess Annual
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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
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@alison-anderson Hi alison , 

"I don't know if you've ever worn a skirt, but ....".

Well, if he'd seen your nails, perhaps it was a rhetoric question 😉

Emma x

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@emmat I've always found the NHS to be great. A few years back, I had a serious sports injury that needed surgery. I was marathon fit, hitting good times and resting pulse about 40. So having the pre-med test, cue panic stations when they take my pulse, rechecking the kit, rechecking the reading...... I got a LOT of attention until I explained where I was on a marathon training programme. I was rather pumped full of morphine, in a wheelchair so they were a bit nonplussed to find out I was normally pretty fit.

Baroness Annual
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Oh dear! Last Friday I accompanied my wife into the Medical Centre treatment room for her to get a COVID booster jab. I was fully en-femme. The lovely young nurse complimented my wife on the dress she was wearing; I didn't get a single comment on my attire 😣 .

How disappointing - where did I go so wrong?

Duchess Annual
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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
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@fembecky Don't worry Becky. The nurse was focussed on your wife, If  I needed to wheelchair my wife into the doctor's room, I stayed. A couple of times I added a comment to their conversation, and got a very frost look !

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Next time, wear an off-the-shoulder evening dress and a feather boa.

Duchess Annual
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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
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@ellyd22 Ha, ha. That makes me wonder just how far you would have to go to phase out a nurse 😉

Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
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Right! Project planning will now swing into action. In a couple of weeks or so we are both due to go for our second Shingles jab; off-the-shoulder dresses must be de-rigueur for innoculations. The search starts here.


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And if there's still no comment then you can ratchet up the effect for each future appointment.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Posted by: @emmat

How many nurses does it take ...

In a top level emergency ward when they aren't busy?

Four. My heart was fibrillating and they had nothing better to do, so they lavished attention on me. I didn't complain, but it hasn't happened again since then.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to dress that day, but I dress more now, so maybe...


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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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Hi, Emma.

Your post brought back a memory from about 25 years ago. I had gone for an x-ray on my lower back, I've had a few for different things. Usually, there's me and the radiographer but this one time, I had shaved my legs a few days before and had to wear a hospital backless gown. I'm sure they're not meant to be backless but they always seem to end up that way 🤔.

So, within a few minutes, there was me, the radiographer and another three nurses who, as they were doing whatever it was they were supposed to be doing, all had a furtive look at my legs. No-one said a thing but they were all smiling as they left.

I was initially a bit embarrassed but thought, ah, what the hey, and told my wife when I got home. Her reply, "What's it got to do with them?" Bless her 😊

Allie x

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Your experience reminded me about this post from the lovely Natalie Dane @nataliejane99:

Ellie x

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Thanks, Ellie, I just read it. Yes, a well written and emotive piece, makes me wonder if crossdressers generally have higher IQ's.

I've read quite a few articles and posts and often been struck by how articulate and thoughtful they are. Now I'll have to go and look to see if there are any comparative studies into the correlation (if any) between crossdressing and exercised  vs unexercised intellect!

I may report my findings, should there be any, and if the mood takes me 😂.


Allie x


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Makes me wonder if crossdressers generally have higher IQs.

*Looks around at all the other members*.

Why are you even wondering? Of COURSE we do. And we're funnier, nicer and prettier than everyone else as well.

Plus, we have better fingernails.

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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You're absolutely right! And that's without even mentioning shoes. Sometimes my left brain doesn't know what my right brain is thinking!


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I did a quick online search but they're from a psychological or psychiatric title was, "Transvestism as a symptom"! Yes, a symptom of being a little further along the path to self-realisation 😊

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It's a symptom of being fabulous. Bring it on.

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@ellyd22 I don't know whether to laugh or wince. If I got stuck in such a way, the panties would be one clue but I'd be really rumbled when they saw the glittery purple toe nails.

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My toenails are currently  ... *checks* ... I want to say 'Teal', but I don't think that's what it said on the bottle.

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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@annaredhead My toes - and fingers - are in Blue Jade at the moment.  Quite a dark shade.  It matches the skirt I'm hoping to be wearing on Saturday night.  Of that, more later 🤫

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@finallyfiona dark blue sounds good. Makes note to buy more nail polish.


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Reputable Member     Sunnyvale, California, United States of America
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@ellyd22 you know. In a way that was a watershed moment for me. 😉

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Reputable Member     Sunnyvale, California, United States of America
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@ellyd22 hello, Darling!

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I'll say it again ...


Big Love Eyes

It was already a good day ... now it's even better 🙂

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Reputable Member     Sunnyvale, California, United States of America
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@ellyd22 Truly glad to have added another layer of excitement to an otherwise “good day”. 😜

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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Obviously a person of interest. The obvious is turn up fully dressed and see if you have more nurses in attendance...

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Duchess Annual
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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
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@ab123 Actually, I suspect I wouldn't get more attention, Angela. I'm growing in confidence with the approach I'm taking which is not exactly a standard one. With many obvious exceptions such as your esteemed self, a lot of people seem happy to divide their male side and female side into separate compartments. That seems not to quite gel with me, I find it quite hard to express it succinctly,  it's not simple. But, you just roll with it. 

Thanks for posting 


Emma x

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I've been for a few medical appointments as Cerys. Most don't care. I get called by my male name and then I get occasionally get asked if that name is OK or would I prefer another one. Out in the wild I don't have another name. If asked, I say that I'm he/him and that crossdressing is just something I do. I've occasionally had long chats with various medical practitioners about it. I explain that it helps me fight depression and that it gives me a boost of confidence etc. 
The only time it has ever been a slight problem is when I once needed an ECG and I was wearing a bra and forms. I needed to remove these so they could attach the electrodes. I didn't know that I was going to have an ECG. If I had, I'd have gone in male mode.

I've had a year of hospital, doctor, nurse and physio appointments as I was taken seriously ill back last April. Dozens of tests, scans, blood tests, lung function tests, consultant visits, an angiogram, 3 MRI scans, 4 CT scans. Dozens of X-rays.... Thankfully, being in the UK, the NHS provides this for free. 
The brilliant NHS saved my life, and got me back to 80% of the person I was before I was ill. 
If I knew I was being scanned or X-rayed, I'd dress accordingly 🙂


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Baroness Annual
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Hi Cerys, I'm with you on the name thing. Rebecca mostly only exists on CDH; to the rest of the world I am still known only by my birth name, though I have been asked about 'pronouns' a couple of times.

That must have been a difficult health year for you, but very pleased to hear you are recovering; I hope the improvement continues to get you above and beyond 80%!

Forgive my lack of Welsh, but I have been pondering how I should "pronounce" Cerys. Hard C? Soft C? Beautiful welsh lilt? Where is the emphasis on the syllables? It would be lovely to hear it spoken, but clearly that is not going to happen on email!

Rebecca xxx

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@fembecky It's Kerris.... The most famous Cerys is probably Cerys Matthews the singer (Catatonia).... She's gorgeous 😉



Duchess Annual
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... and she plays some interesting music on her sunday morning show on BBC Radio 6

Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
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@dazzler Thanks Cerys. I must admit I hadn't heard of Cerys Matthews, but you are right ... she IS gorgeous 😍 . Now why can't I look like that?

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Noble Member     Cardiff, South Glamorgan, United Kingdom
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@fembecky Google Cerys Matthews Calon Lan Tir.
Calon Lan is a traditional welsh song. It's means Pure heart.  Tir is Land. Tir is the album that she sings Calon Lan on. There are a million versions of Calon Lan, but this is by far the best and it really shows Cerys at her very best. I Adore her. I got to meet her a couple of times. When it came to chose a name, it had to be Cerys. I've always loved the name. If our son had been born a girl, she would have been called Cerys.


Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
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@dazzler Thanks Cerys. I have made a note of the album and song and will listen to it.

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@fembecky I have got a couple of female friends that know me as Anna (a photographer and makeup artists who have played a huge part in helping me develop my looks) and we have an agreement on using male name / Anna depending on how I present.

Baroness Annual
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@annaredhead I like that approach. I may consider how I can start doing that with one or two selected friends. Thanks.

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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@dazzler I don't mind being identified by my male name for anything official.  In a letter or an invoice etc. it's fine.  But starting with my optician this weekend just gone, while I'm living en femme 24/7, I'm now asking receptionists when registering upon arrival if they have a field on their system for a preferred name, so that in person they address me / call out loud for me as Fiona.  If I don't end up staying as Fiona, I can always ask them to change it back.

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Duchess Annual
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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
Joined: 9 months ago

I'm pleased that you made it through, Cerys. Its good to see you around .

I'll be pm'ing you btw


Emma x


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