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Lately I have been pretty comfortable in my male role, perhaps as I have been pretty busy. As convenient as that is, I do sort of miss the urge to dress and embrace the pink mist. It’s definitely a catch 22 for someone like me who can’t even imagine getting to chance to dress, but it can feel like I’m missing this part of me which I know needs tonne nurtured. At the same time, another part of me want to force it in and feel like “see, this isn’t that important,” in hopes of it being easier. How do you feel when the feminine drive is lower? Do you enjoy the convenience or does the solitude hurt?
I'm not UNcomfortable in my male role, much of which is caring for my wife and running the house. On the other hand, the Pink Fog has taken over most of my thoughts. Thinking about dressing, shopping and getting a makeover is pleasant. IMO, whatever makes you feel good IS important and worthwhile (within the boundaries of decency). I find that underdressing and "stealth mode" dressing is helpful, and being forced to stop would hurt.
when i dont dress up for day i feel ill, sick, tired and lazy. when i do dress up i feel happy normal and relaxed, no illness either. i need to dress up when i can, but must be at least a few hours. i cant stand being male no more i have to let my fem side out and be happy and free. dont get me wrong love being male at times but i am retired medically and have all the time to do things male and female work, but i love being female most of all, dressed up all pretty
Great question! Since I’ve retired, I’ve had more chances to spend entire days as Emily than I ever have in my 63 years on this planet. I have been through what you’re referring to I believe. There have been times over the years that expressing my feminine side took a back seat for sometimes a year or so at a time. It was always in the back of my mind though. The older I get, the more important it has become in making me feel fulfilled as a person. I still don’t regret my drab mode times, but I am always thinking about the next opportunity to be the real me. Does that make any sense at all?
Good topic Aoife,
I have been having a house built this year and I haven't been getting much feminine time.
I have been pretty comfortable in my male role but I do miss my feminine times.
I had a internet friendship until recently that was a big help in getting me through this stressful time, however I seem to have messed that up and I am blocked from chatting now.
That has hurt a lot.
Otherwise I do little things to get me by like wearing some wedges in the evening or sleeping en femme just so my feminine side gets recharged a little.
But I keep my Toe nails polishes too
So my pink side is with me
Hi Aoife ! Thank you for your input. I think that we probably are all have shades of pink. Some times we are large mistley all times and hard well red n'est< ce pas? Comme n'est pas? A slate of "shades" very depend of may......day about.....people happy/sad.......everyone the weather. Oneones never 100% up nor either 100%.
I just.....go the both any more we are at the nowith matters. Afterafter.....it,s a woman" progrogative(?).
Dame Veronica
This summer I resumed dressing after a roughly 8 year break. Presently I am engulfed in pink mist and this site, plus some fun chatting 🙂 🙂 has helped rebirth Jenny, at least for the time being. For how long? Tough to say, but I too am very comfy in male mode. When I did my purge several years ago, I thought Jenny was relegated to being a fun memory. The lifestyle was simply too complicated to maintain (for me).
Only the occasional VS fashion show, or seeing a pretty boy or girl wearing something sexy would produce a smile and faint longing for Jenny. But it passed quickly always.
Several months ago, I was in a hotel lobby as a guy and this gorgeous, incredible, sexy transvestite walked thru the lobby. Perfect body, perfect outfit - just an angel. That triggered something which led me to CDH. Not sure what that trigger was, but it was definite and powerful, Memories of some fun times dressed as Jenny flooded back and so did the urge to re-explore.
Not sure what my point to this is really, other than to say the shift between male and female can be sudden, dramatic, or can lay dormant for a very very long time.
I know what you mean! Here I am and I just know I’ll run into someone who triggers me this weekend! My spike in activity a while ago came thanks to coming across a very beautiful and natural-looking tall trans woman and the envy really did a number on me. Hard not to miss that, though I’ve been thinking more and more about my size conversion and other plans if I ever get a few days on my own...
My wife mentioned the possibility of a longer trip to visit her family and I actually just thought of how much I would miss her and my daughter. It was only after that got cancelled that I thought “think of what I could wear! I could even paint my nails and wear panties every day!” See, convenient and positive but also kinda sad?
Hi Aoife ,
Wonderful topic , I've just had 5 days of a mild shift ( I'm gender fluid ) to my female side , it's been the mildest & most extended shift that I can recall.
Usually it's far more feminine & shorter , it's been wonderful , my wife has not restricted this feeling , I've felt soooo calm , peaceful & nourished . I haven't missed the male me , this is hopefully becoming our " new normal " xx Tiff
I desperately need to be Jess. After being dormant for so long my feminine side has emerged with a vengeance. No, I'm not going transgender. I like being a guy, and I have a very strong sexual attraction for bio women. I have a wonderful, beautiful wife and I want to be faithful to her. I like my feminine side very much. I like being able to connect with women in an intellectual way. I don't have any real male friends. Oh I can chat the chat, but I can only feel really at ease with women. I feel can be myself around women.
I enjoy looking at women. So, let's connect some dots. I like a woman's dress let's say. Okay, I'd like to try it on. I like a woman's heels. I'd like to try on a pair of those. Maybe I'm just trying to replicate things that visually please me.
The enjoyment I get when I become Jess is indescribable. It's not sexual, just a sense of achieving a sense of self. There is part of me that is a woman. I love it. I want more. I DO NOT want to leave it.
Love to all,
Well put. Not unusual to think along these lines. How strong is your attraction to women if you don’t even want to be one sometimes?