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Hello everyone, I have a question to everyone who have been a CD,
Have you ever received criticism and how do you deal with them?
Well I have always lead my life thinking, I don't care or can't put to much into what others think. Easier said than done though, I know. Onetime I was swimming and had my makeup on and doing my laps, everything tucked, forms in and I thought looking good. Well I was stopped taking a breath and a lady on the side kept saying, "sir, sir, sir." Well I just ignored her and presumed my laps, but it did hurt a little when I believed I was very passable.
Arianna could you let us know the type or degree of criticism you are talking about?
Is the criticism being directed at you in regards to dressing up or is it directed at your makeup , an outfit you are wearing, a hairstyle.....
Criticism.......ah yes. The world is full of critics who are quick on the lip but actually do absolutely nothing to solve what they think is not right. Confucious said........"A wise man speaks when he has something to say....a FOOL speaks because they have to say something. Criticism or insults are only effective if the recipient accepts the verbal barb. Or you could turn around as say....Are you talking to me??? What is the problem? If abuse follows just say....I don't suffer imbeciles and walk away or in your case...swim away.
Hope this helps you out.
Dame Veronica
If you're already free, then it's best to be free. Choose yourself not them.
When someone is directly speaking to me and intentionally criticizing me, I smile, say "thank you for sharing"and look away or walk away.
If someone is criticizing to help me improve, again, it is only "their" opinion...
everyone on the planet has two things in common, we all have an anal orifice and we all have an opinion, and neither one are topics of conversation unless specifically requested in my humble "opinion" 🙂
There is only one heart to follow, it is the one inside you..
Practice living true to your heart and let your heart sing its song...
Namaste' n hugs my friend
Arianna, the criticism only cuts as deep as you let it. Most people who hurtfully criticize others are usually narcissists who call out your faults to hide their own faults and short comings. I was out golfing last summer with friends and I was wearing a really pretty golf skirt and summery top with my hair done, a little bit of makeup and my forms in and I thought I looked pretty and convincing when a foursome passed us on the next fairway. An older man started saying things to me and became quite rude and I don't tolerate rude, so I replied to him nice and loud, well if you weren't checking me out so much you wouldn't have noticed. All his buddies started to laugh and I could see he was embarrassed, he got in his cart and muttered something and drove away. After the round of golf, back at the clubhouse one of his friends came over to me and said boy did you ever shut him up. Apparently I pissed him off so bad, he didn't finish his game, he had a tantrum and went home. Now ask yourself, do you really care what a person like that thinks of you? I think you get the idea.
Take care, Heather.
P.S. Always remember the only opinion that counts, is yours. You don't like me, don't look!
I LOVE that response and will remember it!!!!
Thank You Ladies for your insights and "comebacks" to those idiots. Your ideas will help this shy girl (Karley) come out of the closet sooner that she thinks. I will practice in front of the mirror while in femme. Thank You ever so much!