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How to spend more time as a woman...

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Trusted Member     San francisco, Ca, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago


I'd love some advice on how to spend more time as a woman.  I tend to have a hard time crossing from my male self over to me as a woman.  When I do it can be wonderful.  If I can calm down and just enjoy being a woman without concentrating on feelings.  It can also be frustrating because I just want to relax and I become restless trying to feel like a woman.  Any thoughts?



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Honorable Member     South of Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

I once had the same issue. It was just due to a lack of privacy. I live by myself now and am self sustaining, so it is no longer an issue.

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Reputable Member     Coventry, Warwickshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Katie, I think you think too much, there is nothing unusual in what we do, for most of us dressing up is as normal as breathing and helps us relieve our own built up emotions and makes us feel good about ourselves but if it makes you anxious perhaps you shouldn't do it?

Posts: 38
Eminent Member     Tallahassee, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Finding gurl time can be difficult with life’s demands. A couple suggestions:

Travel - either for work or for personal enjoyment. This at least gets you in a hotel room where you can break out your inner gurl.

Take a day off - randomly take time off. Don’t tell anyone close to you. If necessary, get a local hotel room or air bnb- can also use a gift card so the charge doesn’t show up on your credit card.

Local friends are great for dressing and hanging out. Find a person locally.

Some cities have salons with personal lockers and members only time. Yo can dress there, hang out and then change back, all within a safe environment with supportive people.

Im sure there are other ways to find time. Just be creative and adventurous!  Good luck.

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Trusted Member     San francisco, Ca, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

Really helpful, thank you!

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Trusted Member     San francisco, Ca, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

Overexcited is the feeling.  The joy of finding the right outfit to wear that day, and spending time just relaxing, well it's hard to relax!  Thank you!  Your post is very helpful!

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Trusted Member     San francisco, Ca, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

Great ideas!   Thank you for such a thoughtful response!

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Trusted Member     San francisco, Ca, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago


I took a little advice from everyone.  I scheduled a work from home day, and spent the day in one of my favorite outfits.  Just a cute cami and panties set, and my favorite black t-shirt dress and some sandals.  At first I felt that same hyper awareness but soon I was just working.  After work was done I slipped out for a drive and pretty soon I was just driving and listening to the radio.   It felt relaxing and wonderful to be a woman for so long!

Posts: 218
Estimable Member     Mantua Township, New Jersey, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

I can relate to Stephanie's post. Very often when I'm dressed, alongside the happiness and relaxation I feel there is aleays an underlying tension..."what if they come home early...what if someone comes to the door...what if...what if...?" Strange mix of emotions.

Posts: 260
Reputable Member     Spokane, Washington, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Traveling is the only way I can have girl time.  And when I'm out of town, look out world.  Rachel is coming to town.

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Famed Member     Outer Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Joined: 7 years ago

My method may not work for everyone, but as a variation on the travel theme, it may work for some people.

I volunteer for a charity on the other side of Melbourne and tell my beloved that I cant hack driving back after 3pm in heavy city traffic. So I stay overnight (aka Caty time)

Come back late next day all happy and "Caty relaxed"

The next one is this Sunday, so the traffic excuse did not work. So I found a couple of networking contacts to have coffee with on Monday morning. So the "alibi" stands......

So if "volunteer travel" works for you, give it a try




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