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Received first set of breast forms, only had a few minutes to try on. Oh my god, it was great. I am hooked.
Any stories of the first time?
Hey Lynn, what a lovely experience for you. Tell me more. Triangle, teardrop, adhesive? My next opportunity to dress will not be until May and I'm planning my first forms, so any wisdom you can share will be most appreciated xx.
Hi Lynne
You have me curious. For years (probably decades) I have been happy putting uncooked rice in the end of a tied off stocking and putting them in my bra. Are the breast forms that much better?
My new breast forms should arrive tomorrow, along with hip pads and a new wig. I've had breast forms before but didn't really use them to their fullest as I only cross-dressed on a very casual and secretive basis, however this time around I have my wife's blessing so will be able to use them much more. I have used socks and water-filled condoms in the past but breast forms give you security (against sudden burst condoms!) and texture that other artificial breasts do not give you.
I've never had hip pads before and I'm really looking forward to seeing what difference they make to my figure. Personally, I think hips are more important than breasts for giving you that feminine shape.
Lynne, the first time I wore my first breastplate, I was totally hooked as well. It looked great, felt amazing, and moved/bounced with me wonderfully. I was home by myself for about 5 days and dressed every day after work. It was just the best feeling to look down and see the breastplate as well as feel it there.
My first non bird seed and panty hose forms would be 40 years ago if its a day. Il cheapo, hard as a rock rubber, but at least they looked good in a bra. Stuck on with spirit gum. Very light, so I filled to rear cavities with small amounts of rice in the old pantyhose feet trick. Gave 'em the right weight.
Thence to my first set of silicone's, probably late 80's from a shop in Perth Western OZ. Non adhesive but looked and felt great.They eventually leaked too much silicone and were binned
Some ten years ago, I bought my first pair of Gold Seals from the Breast Form Store. They use the double sided tape and adhesive wipes to attach to your chest.
My first time with those on was mind blowing. "Hey.... no bra needed and I'm looking down at my own boobs!!" They are my "go to" when going public, cos I know they will stay right where I need them to.
Aint cheap, but $$$ for $$ the best value on the market. Lack the overall attached feeling of.....
In later years, I have also invested in self adhesive forms and they give you a lovely, "all over attached feeling". But if they do manage to stay on braless, it's only for a short time.
But I love wearing them at bedtime in my bra every night.With seasonal appropriate sleepwear over the top
"Formally Yours"
I have 2 pairs. My first I made were from rice in old pantyhose. They were ok.
the first ones I purchased were not triangle and they were D sized. I thought they were ok but they were big and a little narrow, hard to fit in a bra.
The most recent are a triangle C sized and because of my size (5’8” and 170 lb) they fit great! I love these as they are not too big and the triangle and the best.
Now I have not tried the breast plate and they look more realistic for a low cut dress or blouse, I heard they can be hot after wearing them for a while. My second concern is concealing them where they stop at the neck. A lot of people use a necklace and it works.
Anyhow, for me I’m very happy with the triangle C sized for me. -Traci
I bought my first 'real' pair of forms from Glamour Boutique in 1998. It was around Halloween, and I thought there's no better time to take them for a walk. It was also one of the first times I went out. It was well past midnight. My presentation was unmistakably 'guy in a dress'. I walked out the door and almost immediately ran into my next-door neighbors. A very nice Indian couple studying at the local university. After a few awkward seconds, the young woman said she liked my Halloween costume. I thanked her and said it wasn't a costume. More awkward silence and then she muttered something in Hindi to her husband. He muttered something back as they rushed into their apartment. They never spoke to me again. C'est la vie.
My first pair of forms were lost in a purge. Several others met the same fate. I still have my 2 most recent pairs. One is a breastplate that I wore maybe 6-7 times. The other is a pair of Divine Collection Aphrodite forms. I love those forms. Very realistic. They got heavy use for several years until HRT made them obsolete. Real boobs are WAY better!
I do not remember the first time of wore my first set, but I know I enjoyed wearing them, and still do. The best part is one can have multiple sets so boons can be any size we want depending on mood. I have a small set and a larger set and wear each set often. It is wonderful to wear the smaller set when at home...it just feels good to have the weight and slight bulge during day-to-day activities.
Don't try and figure it out...I am.not sure it is possible. Just enjoy the experience and have fun, experiment a little and just be yourself and accept this part of yourself. Once you do life becomes so much better, at least it jas for me.
Maybe you are right. I am enjoying the moment. Have been lucky and blessed. life is good.
Anyone else find that like, for taking a shower or changing bras, when you remove the forms and your own breasts are there, your nipples are - wow, insanely erotically sensitive?
Not directly, but if my wife bundles my silicon boobs I feel it directly. It is a wonderful feeling and can only imagine how much enjoyment GGs get from their boobs.