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Ok, how many times have you seen a real, honest to goodness, Genetic Girl wasting her femininity and thought "I could have done it better"?
Well girls, it's time to sharpen those fingernails and have a right good old-fashioned bitch (and hopefully a good giggle) at the expense of the GGs. Meow!
Here's my example:
I'm currently sitting in a coffee shop in district 1 (HCMC) and there is a young lady (early 20s) in here. Stereotypically Vietnamese: petite, perfect features, great legs, gorgeous long dark hair, absolutely beautiful (oh how I hate them!!! haha). Unfortunately, she has the table manners of a pig...the wild kind, not a cute little domestic piggy like babe. Every single morsel she consumes is accompanied by the most horrendous slurping. Seriously, it sounds like the last few centimetres draining out of a bath...not a nice scented bubble bath sprinkled with rose petals but a horrible, nasty, skanky, manky, brown, sludgy one filled with pond water and raw sewerage!!!
All I can think is "damn you God...you know I would have been a much better GG than her!"
Grrrrrr!!! Haha 😉
Come on ladies, let's hear your best examples. 🙂
Being a not so perfect person myself to bitch about table manners is a long way down my list of dislikes, right at the top of my annoyance/anger list is pretty girls who scar themselves with tattoos. As a CD I hate to see a woman who has disfigured herself and permanently ruined the look that I desire.
<p style="text-align: left;">I don't usually join in "I don't like" type discussions, but that made me LOL!</p>
I get this feeling every time I see a woman in total slob mode. I'm talking baggy, shapeless pants and dirty tops, unkempt hair and unwashed faces. Real slob mode. Just unpleasant to look at.
I mean, I could spend just a couple of pounds in a charity shop, have a bath, and look a hundred times better.
And I'm a man!
Girls, you are beautiful. Make some effort - I make more when I wash and select a clean t-shirt to go with my jeans in male mode.
It costs 10 minutes of time and a couple of quid to look pretty - not spectacular or worthy of a wolf-whistle (like any girl really needs those, right?) - but pretty, like the girl you are.
And you wonder why men have started dressing like girls?
It's because we expect you to try harder!
(In fun!)
Love Laura
I agree with Laura that the appearance issue bothers me. Just take some time to look nice, you don’t have to have full makeup, dressed up, etc. but look neat and clean. I think one reason we notice this is because dressing for most of us is infrequent and such a special time that we can’t imagine not looking our best at all times.
Watching the young mums on the school run often make me wonder who was brave enough to get 'em pregnant in the first place. Then the grans turn up and order is restored.
I've seen and know some women that never dress feminine or don't ever wear dresses and heels and I think.
Man if that was me I would be so girly and sexy dressing.
I thought I'd throw this one in for you... There are many Asian cultures where it is considered polite to (noisily) slurp your noodles (or similar). I don't understand it myself, but there are definitely enough references to this in the Asian entertainment media to be certain that this is a thing. I'm not sure it extends to drinks.
Having said that, manners are part of the culture you're in; so not having learnt that this is not welcome does indicate at least a lack of awareness.
Hopefully next time you have better coffee shop dining partners.
Hey don't blame God , your better than she already
Funnily I used to think this very thing when I was at school. I'd see some of the efforts by girls in my year and know for a fact that I could do better myself. Considering I had virtually no time to practice with looks where as they had all the time in the world it utterly baffled me why they wouldn't (or couldn't) do better. I wonder if I still do a better job than they do.
Charlotte XxX
Nice rant, Bobbi - and I totally agree.
Who's to lay down the law?
Not me - hence "in fun".
In my late teens, as a hippy/metal head, I really didn't care about anything, myself least of all.
Drugs and music were everything - the whole rock and roll lifestyle to the max.
I worked damn hard at it - I wasn't lazy when it came to music. Went to college to get a degree in it, partly to prove to myself that I was good at it, since I made no money out of it!
Plenty of slobby students there - made me take a kind of universal look at myself. The value of looking sharp meant you got the girls. One even dressed me up in some of her clothes for a party. She is a tall girl!
So yeah, look exactly the way you want... But often it's nice to be dressed so others appreciate it - has the bonus of making you and others feel good!
There are few things more depressing than seeing someone who can't be bothered. Apathy should be a crime :0p
Love Laura
I see some "yummy mummies" on my school run... I so would dress like that, given the budget...
There's a real divide between those who make no effort and those who make maybe a bit too much...
Not hard to spot the swingers.
Love Laura
I often go (in drab, of course!) to a nearby Vietnamese restaurant, and have seen (heard) Vietnamese GGs noisily slurping their Phở Personally, I don’t do it, but I’m sure they must think I have terrible table manners for not doing so! And as a further insult to their cuisine, I don’t even use chopsticks!
I think many men, at least in my experience, are attracted to crossdressers because they actually Do Try Harder to look nice, and more feminine than some gg regular girls. Men like that stuff. When I went to the clubs, dressed in full feminine attire, pantyhose, short skirt, nice open toe strappy sandal heels to shoe polished toes, makeup, polish on toes, and fingers, etc., etc., I would use my new found "feminine power" over men and they would buy me drinks and more. I was amazed, at what happens to men, when they see smooth shaved legs, in pantyhose, mini-skirt, breasts in lacy bra, and high heels.. It is like their brains go blank, and they become like high school teenagers. It was a lot of fun.. I became addicted to it.. I couldn't wait to go out to the clubs and lgbt bars. I would usually get "approached" within 20-30 minutes. For a few months, I went out 3, 4, 5 times a week or more.
One time, as I was locking up my bicycle, a classic road bike, racing kind 12 speed, I was wearing really short shorts, almost daisy duke kind, my legs were smoothly shaved and very tan. I could hear these two men, sitting in a pickup truck, (construction workers)… say... "Dude, look... his legs look better than my wife's" lol... I had a little chuckle, and a big smile on my face, as I walked in the store, to get more lotion and baby oil, and razors for my legs.