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Hi ladies,
The other day I was typing a message to one of my CDH friends. I meant to type the word fantastic but unwittingly typed a g instead of an f and sent the message. Thus the word "gangtastic" was created!
What do you think ladies? Do you think the Websters or Oxford dictionaries would accept it? 🤣
Have a gangtastic day everyone!!! Love, Stephanie 💖
Would this gang be banging?
Gang related, absolutely not Stephanie.
it would be a great description of our council employees....when nine of them are stood around a hole in the the road, drinking tea and smoking.........while they watch one guy digging....
" a gangtastic of council workers"
Grace xx
No, not quite Gwyneth!!!
Well Grace with the high rip off council taxes , they can afford to send more people to do the jobs, just haven't got that many jobs is the problem. Still they will all have fantastic pensions from our money, and we will still have potholes to play in.
Potholes...need a topic on their own...
Grrrrrr ace
ok Steph..get going....you know the way by now...do not pass go...
You gurls be crazy!
Hi Stephanie,
Absolutely, that's a cool new word. Gangtastic... "A large group of people having a great time".
Unlike like the gibberish new words I come up with while I'm in full Cindy mode and trying to type with long acrylic nails...lol.
A great site for new words is Elite Daily. Gangtastic certainly deserves to make the cut.
Luv, Cindy
Hmmm... it could have wonderful connotations but at the same time a fantastic time at the gangbang might also be implied!? Just saying...
Gangnam heaven xxx
I like that new word Stephanie!
faecesitious? That sounds like a mouthful! To say, that is... 😉
What about collective nouns... you mentioned a bradrobe... ok, what does on call a collection of stilettos? A knifefight
Switch those blades, doll... opps, I meant heels xxx Polly