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[Closed] I decided "This is my one opportunity for months to come."

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(@Anonymous 94392)
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I mentioned in yesterday's post I had been shopping at Target and other stores for bras and things.  I wanted to give an update on what was two good days of being out and openly shopping for my girl things.

So yesterday I made purchases at three different stores, where I spent time browsing bras, hosiery and cosmetics, and bought stockings, concealer, foundation, lip gloss, makeup brushes, and blush.  And two sports bras.

Today was my day to return home from my trip to Grand Rapids, and I wore one of the new bras (slightly padded) under my outfit.  When it was time to get off the road I did more shopping and bought 4 lipsticks, rouge, eye shadow, cosmetic sponges, and some costume jewelry.

As this morning started out, and I now had my cosmetics, I decided to give them a try since I have been watching some videos on how to do makeup.  Since I already had the concealer and foundation from yesterday, I was able to lightly apply that, and although subtle, I could see a difference.  Same thing with the blush.  Just a very light application that I could see, but to others, they might not.  And I thought, who actually really looks at other people these days, anyway?

So with that, I was off to the first store, Walmart this morning to again check out what cosmetics would look good for me, and here I bought 3-4 lipsticks and I think it was here I bought eye shadow.  And walking around the store with my tank-style bra straps clearly visible, too.

You know, one needs to sooner or later decide they're ready to start.

With the addition of actual lipstick (I tried all the colors first) in my color, I drove some more, then it was time to take the next step, with now (very slight) applications of concealer, foundation, blush, eye shadow, and yes - lipstick!  Spent some time at a Meijer's and again, after wandering through my go-to departments, I bought a couple of tops.

I want to tell my sisters it went just fine.  No problems.  I had a wonderful day.  Total of about 8 hours wearing makeup that I added to, throughout the day.

Now tonight, I'm home, and relaxing in my new stockings, with a skirt and new top, and white patent shoes.  What a glorious day.

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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What a lovely day indeed! Thank you for sharing.

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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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@gina2923 I've found, some of the most exciting and thrilling experiences when out femme was to shop for and buy more femme clothes. My first time buying pantyhose, while showing off my legs in pantyhose with my little Daisy Duke shorts, I was very nervous, but as I waited on line, my excitement began to build. After I paid and began leaving the store, I had such an intense rush of pleasure, excitement and thrill.

Then when I went shoe shopping in similar attire, I noticed I was being looked at. A few even walked by me, probably to get a closer look. One again I was very nervous, but excitement began to build. They want a show, I'll give them a show.

I tried on several pairs, walked around the store, posed in the mirrors, solicited and got approval from the others watching me. It was a few hours of intense pleasure, euphoria and thrills. Needless to say, I repeated both those activities several times.

Glad you had a glorious day and shopping experience. There's nothing like those feelings, and no other way to get them I'm aware of.

(@Anonymous 94392)
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Now this morning I'm happy in my soul.  My soul is rich.  I loved my new stockings so much, I slept in them!  And when I woke up, there they were, right in place, no rolled-down tops or anything.  And an intoxicating smooth feel. Hanes.  I will remember that.  

last night, in my 42D bra and forms, my long, all-lace clingy nightgown, and stockings - wow.  I never sleep as well as when I'm in a gorgeous nightgown.

Then this morning I could keep my stockings on and I now have enough day clothes to wear around the house without having to cover up my lace shoulders with a bathrobe.  Pretty shoes clicking on the floor.  And I could touch up with some lipstick first thing before making my coffee.  I'm so happy I could cry.

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
Posts: 2154

@gina2923 Hi, Gina, what an absolute joy it is to come here and read stories like yours. Apart from the vicarious thrill of imagining myself in your metaphorical shoes, it's nice to have a haven from the boilng cauldron of pus that masquerades as news! More power to you, sister😊👗👠❤️

Allie x

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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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@gina2923 It's amazing how those clothes can generate such special feelings and experiences. I always sleep in pantyhose, bra and nightie or night shirt. I often have my breast forms in my bra. But I don't always sleep in them. At times they have slipped out of my bra. I've also discovered if I fall asleep in my wig or heels, they often end up coming off too.

So, I keep my breastforms, wig and heels by my bed. When I wake up, I slip on my heels, put my breastforms in and put on my wig. I start the day en femme. I love it.

Glad you're enjoying and experiencing that.

(@Anonymous 94392)
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@pattyphose I haven't had it happen yet where the forms fall out.  I remember I only buy full-figure bras and the cups are full enough and of course the right band size.  My bras all have the very center lying flat against my breastbone.  Like right now, as I lay in bed this morning I feel that spot between the two underwires.  Makes me feel happy.  The cups are full, I have a well-fitted bra on, and I look down at my computer over these two big beautiful breasts.  You know what, I think it's because I just happen to wear the bigger D-cup forms.  My smaller forms - I think maybe yes, they move around too much.

I wore my stockings again last night.  Although I have some Silkies brand pantyhose that fit well, they don't have a good feel, like when your caress your legs.  But the fabric of these Hanes hold-ups is intoxicating.

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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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@gina2923 I've had my forms slip and sometimes fall out. I've heard you really shouldn't sleep in silicone forms. Guess you could possibly damage them, although I don't know how.

Silky nylons, whether they be stockings or pantyhose have such a wonderful feel to wear, and when you touch them, it's pure euphoria and bliss. It's such a pleasure to wake up in them.

(@Anonymous 94392)
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@pattyphose Yes I've seen those cautions also.  The manufacturer advises against sleeping with forms, some girls report leakage.  But I've never had a problem and I can even lay mostly on my front with no problems.  With all my forms from A to D cups.

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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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@gina2923 I have B,C and D forms in silicone and foam. The foam are lighter and look exactly the same as the silicone and are much lighter, however, the experience is not the same. The silicone just feels more femme. So I keep them by the bed with my heels and wig and put them on when I wake up.

(@Anonymous 94392)
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@pattyphose I'm looking forward to the arrival tomorrow of a new wig.  I'm feeling so girly inside!

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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
Posts: 2296

@gina2923 I have found the greatest thing one can wear which changes looks the most is a wig. When I dressed in my little Daisy Duke outfit, and looked at myself in the mirror, My legs were great, so sexy, my breasts look nice, but when I backed up more and could see my face, I was a guy in a girl's outfit.

When I wore the same outfit, but with a wig, when I looked in the mirror, a leggy, sexy girl with great hair was gazing back at me. That really overwhelmed me. It was such an incredible feeling and experience.

Hope you will love your new wig.

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
Posts: 2147

@gina2923 Way to go Gina. Hope you have many more. 


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Reputable Member     Fort Collins, Colorado, United States of America
Posts: 159

@gina2923 many thanks for sharing very positive experience!


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Reputable Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
Posts: 210


Thanks for sharing Gina. It sounds like an absolutely wonderful experience. I am overdue to pick up some items, but have been feeling hesitant for some reason. Your post reminds me of how nice it feels to shop for my girl things, even though I do it as a boy. I think this might be the nudge I need to get out to the shops.



(@Anonymous 94392)
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@denises924 Yes it was wonderful.  Here it is three days later.  Wake up, slip into some clickity click shoes, add a touch of my new lipstick, and go make my morning coffee.  And I'm remembering that day.  OMG even though it was only a tank style bra, the little bit of padding it had - oh yes!


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Prominent Member     Renfrew, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 593

@gina2923 great story. So nice to hear about a wonderful experience. Now get back out there!  Lol

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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Gina -

How wonderful for you to have those experiences.


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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Sounds like great fun and adventures, though at bit expensive.👍🥰😉

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(@Anonymous 94392)
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@jjandme True.  It was about $175 for two days. I spent about $1000 in 2023 on bras, panties, nighties, and things like that.  I'm in good shape for lingerie, but I want to do a little bit towards being about to go out.  For now I just bought the cheaper lipsticks - to learn how the colors look on me, and, some of the makeup items will last a long time. So I'm ok with the amount so far.  I also got started with wigs yesterday and ordered a modest one from Amazon.

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
Joined: 5 years ago

Sounds like a great time Gina!

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