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I Don't know what happened???

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I can’t figure out why my wife doesn’t want to go out with me dressed anymore.

She was so into dolling me, doing my nails and helping put an outfit together. She doesn’t really want to talk about it and I just don’t understand why she was so into it and having so much fun and now nothing.

The only thing she said was “put yourself in my position”. Its very upsetting to me because we had so much fun. She got me most of my clothes and make up and now she can’t be bothered. I just don’t get it and I’m so sad 🙁

Any input ladies?

Thank you, Michelle xo

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Noble Member     Maidenhead, Berkshire, United Kingdom
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You need to ask her - pleading dumb male...

Maybe you got so into your CDing, she's worried she's lost her man?

Maybe a few days in suitably masculine drab, doing "guy" things, like mending the fence, taking her breakfast in bed, you know - the "regular" guy/romantic stuff?

Just putting it out, as I don't know your situation, but I would guess, with sudden acceptance, you might have gone in a bit full on?

Would I be close, or way off the mark?


Love Laura

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Maybe Laura but probably not its only a once every couple months thing, not daily.


Thank you, Michelle xo

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Lady Michelle

Oooo...that doesn't sound good.  Like Laura said, ask her...but I would add give her some space and time.  Going drab for a few days might help her cool off.

Being previously married, a woman doesn't go "cold shoulder" without a good reason.

Maybe check your calendar, maybe you missed an important day possibly like a B-day, Anniversary? Just thinking and trying to help you.

Her attitude has obviously switched 180, the hard part is figuring out was it you, or is there another influence somewhere.

Keep us posted when you can.  Us Girls will try and help wherever possible. Good Luck!

XO Robyn 🤗❤️

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If you know for certain you didn't do anything to rock the boat, someone possibly tweaked her ear.

Minister, Sister, Best friend?  A woman may say...she hasnt told anyone...but women will try to confide in someone for a second opinion usually.

Not that I think about EX many years ago confided in a good friend...and then that friend suddenly disappeared.


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Hi Lady Michelle

I can think of several probably valid reasons like have been suggested but sadly they are my thoughts and most likely aren't anywhere near the real reason(s). And I surely dont want to lead you astray.

Give your SO time and hope she'll share with you, or you could slowly find out what she is willing to accept of your desires. Either way I hope things will work out for you and your spouse that you both will be able to accept and continue sharing.

My best wishes go with you.


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I can't help you with any sound advice, but I just want you to know that I'm thinking of you honey...

best wishes, grace xx

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When was the last time, where did you go, what did you do.

It maybe that while out, she caught someone throwing the 'side eye', or overhead a bitchy comment, which has made her think a little differently about the situation. As a loving and supportive SO she maybe thinking that she's saving you from hurt by putting the brakes on.

Tread carefully, take your time. I'm sure she'll tell you all about it when the times right.

But... this is just an alternative option offered by a helpless optimist. As others have said, only she knows what's going on.


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I'm not going to go into religion, but I recognise that statement - good old Deuteronomy 22:5 (Old Testament).

Samuel has nicer things to say in 1. 16:7 (New Testament) - please Google it.

It says everything people need to know about appearance.

Love Laura.


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Hi Michelle, so sorry for this. I don’t have a SO,like Grace I don’t have any advice. My two cents is maybe she went from acceptance to change of heart. Again I’m so sorry. Hugs-Katey

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Reputable Member     Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom
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Oh Michelle I do feel for you. The sense of disappointment and rejection must really hurt. I do wonder if your wife has found herself in the position of having to defend your cross dressing and being told, "Well I wouldn't put up with it, just imagine what people are thinking." Asking as gently as you can why her attitude has changed is the way forward but I think you will need to give her some time before you do this and time for her to answer. Rushing is likely to be counter productive. I, and all your sisters here, do hope that you and your wife can resolve the situation. But, however it plays out you know that we are here for you.
Love and hugs
HildaRuth 💋💋

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Michelle, many wives have dips in their acceptance of their SO crossdressing. Sometimes they feel that the man they love is slowly slipping away from them. Often the crossdresser 's passion to become more  feminine and spend more and more time in feminine attire, can sometime make a SO uncomfortable and begin to question is this really what she wants. Of course there are many answers, but silence and loss of interest is definitely an indication she is bothered about something. This may be hard to do but take a break from dressing and spend some quality time putting her and her interest first. She may feel that she is  becoming second fiddle to your dressing. She could be worried how far you want to go and where does she fit in to equation. Time out as husband and wife, and see how it goes. Good luck to you both. 

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Just to add...


Hippie has just written a thread about input from GG's...maybe this would be a topic that they could give opinions on???

....just a thought

Grace xx

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I'm sorry you have hit this huge "bump" in your CD road. My best guess is that she was confronted by someone who had clocked you. My own wife is adamant that Bettylou be kept secret from her friends, and that is the reaction I would expect (or worse), should I be recognized. Hopefully, she will be willing to talk about it after a short while.


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Some sound words below, and I feel for you. I too don't wish to speculate, hopefully your answers come sooner then later. In my experience, Dressing aside, it never hurts to remind her you're worth it. If nothing else, maybe you can take some of the edge off on the subject and get some more details from her. Patience seems to always be a virtue, at least when I'm attempting to support my wife's thoughts and feelings. Sometimes I'm successful and sometimes I'm not, but she seems to appreciate the effort either way.  Good luck, hang in there.

editing to say; verbally reminding her you're worth it might not be the best way. I meant more those personal subtle ways we all know our wives love, but we may lose of site of once in a while. Sorry just wanted to be clear there.

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