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I really would love to do this - CD/Trans lunch group where I live

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Posts: 34
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Trusted Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 1 year ago

Hi Everyone

One of my big goals as Lauryn is to find or build community. I would love to have a regular space to be more public as myself girl self.  I am not so much into pub nights or drinking but I would really like to be part of a weekly or biweekly lunch group that might evolve into an activity group. Maybe start with 4 or 5 girls having lunch/brunch at a LGBTQIA friendly spot. I am happy to do the legwork. I live downtown Toronto and would love to connect with others who share our CD enthusiasm but also looking to find community and friends as their femme self. I am still finding my way being out in public and this is chance to be brave. 



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Posts: 353
Reputable Member     WNY, New York, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

I’m so glad you wrote. I love the idea and would be totally interested.  Weekly would be a bit of a challenge but biweekly is much more possible.  I’m in Buffalo and have been coming up to TO and Hamilton as much as possible and joined Xpressions.  They are a great group and not focused on drinking but more dinners and friendship.

Ive been looking for a group of girls to have lunch, go shopping, museums or shows…just getting out as girls.  Let me know if you are interested and I can send you a pm!

I was just in Hamilton at the Symposium Cafe last Saturday with the Xpressions girls and had a great nite. 

Hope to hear from you!


Posts: 34
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Trusted Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 1 year ago

Hi Carole

Thanks so much for responding. Wow congratulations, you have done so much on your CD journey. You are where I hope to be by the end of 2024. I have no makeup skills whatsoever and I will summon the courage to get help with that. Weekly probably would be a lot but biweekly or even monthly would be great. I am ready to try a lunch/brunch idea but not yet at the theatre place yet lol. Please do send me a pm and hopefully a couple others might think this is doable as well. 




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