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So I finally had the house to myself and decide that I was going to do. All my makeup. My nails, hair and just be Glam for the day. And I didn't stop and think. I had to go out to my shed and I didn't pay attention if my neighbors were out. Of course, they were, and it was pretty obvious that my neighbor's wife was looking at me. She didn't say anything she just waved. But I think that I've outed myself to my neighbors.
And really, I don't care..
Time will tell if she has a problem with it I’d would think. Are you very close with them?
Jasmine ,It sounds like you are correct.So,go with it and have fun,be the best lady you can be and if the neighbors wife mentions it to you,admit it and ask ,with a sincere smile on your face if your slip was showing or if your nail color was the wrong shade.Who knows,you may have a new friend and who better to learn how to be a lady, than your wife and your neighbor.
Been there Jasmine! Last summer, I went out en femme in my front yard to take some pics about 7 in the morning. My neighbor works at night and I usually don't see him until midday - but not this day. There he was in the front yard as I set up my camera. He kind of gave me a WTF look, but did not acknowledge me in any other way. He has never said anything about it, but I'll bet I was the topic of conversation that evening.
And, like you - I don't care either. It's actually kind of freeing.
Well, I'm close friends with their nephew. And he is gay, and he knows. I'm a cross dress and that I'm bisexual. So whether or not hes told them anything. I don't know, but a part of me kind of already knew they probably had seen me on several different occasions. So I don't think that really, you know? I don't know if i outed myself so much as I just scared myself.
I think by that reply and the friendly wave they already know if not just ride with it.
I just walked to my shed anddid what I had to do it was more scary than anything seing as I've never told them
Kris, you are so right. If others know, neighbors, family and friends it is SOOOO freeing. If my EX had not told our 3 grown kids and threatened to tell my brother I would be most of the way in the closet yet today. As it is I present as female all the time except my main job. It is to much work to get fully femmed up ( bra, forms etc) to do my blue collar job.
. Csssie
When it came to dealing with my brother and what not I finally just said screw it and told them but they're a ways away from me so i wasn't to worried bout them but when they're right next to me it definitely worked my nerves
Well, ladies I know for sure. I did out myself to my neighbor but she was super cool about it.
And like she asked me. Have I seen you? With nails or heels or skin tight jeans and I just simply said yes and she was just said i like them so i told her the brand and went on about my day
I have had that feeling before too.
I sort of don't care what the neighbors think. Twice this week I walked from my car to house in flats and wedges. We are just cordial neighbors, none are anything close to being acquaintances. I've helped so many over the years with things, none have ever reciprocated.
I don't care what they do in their houses or outside, so I don't see why what I do should matter. If they can't stand my preferences, that's their problem.
One of my neighbors once put up an anti-gay marriage sign when the law was up for voting in California. My wife was outraged, I wasn't, it's their right to their beliefs. At least I know their political stance.
What's the worst that can happen?