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I wont be around for a while-family crisis

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Famed Member     Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Girls. I write this feeling saddened and anxious but i felt it was my duty as a friend to let you all know. On 21st August, my wife suffered a stroke. Anyone that has had to deal with this will know how upsetting and bewildering it is. I woke up in the morning and noticed my wifes speech was not normal, after opening the curtains and seeing her beautiful face, i realised that it was drooping and she was talking as if her mouth was full. Instantly i rang for an ambulance because as we all should know, the longer you leave a stroke, the worse the outcome. She was taken to hospital near us and she has indeed suffered a stroke. She was later transferred to salford royal infirmary, at the stroke specialist centre. It has been caused by her type 1 diabetes. Her left hand side has been weakened, but the good news is she is slowly regaining some use of her left arm and hand. I have seen her today and she can actually lift a cup with her left hand and drink, so hopefully things are improving. She has been given aspirin to thin the blood and will be given some other medication to lessen the chances of a further stroke. Currently she is awaiting a neck scan to establish if there are any further clots that may travel towards her brain.

Today, is my birthday! not that i really want to celebrate. The reason i am posting this is, love your wife or partner, he or she doesnt know what is round the corner, cherish your time together and above all make most of the time you spend together. Fiona is not going anywhere, but for now, i have to be strong, support my kids and most of all, support my wife to the very best of my ability. The road to recovery will be long, but i will spend as much time as it takes to see her well again.

I will be back, i promise all of you, but for now i have to care for my wife, just as my marriage vows says 'in sickness and in health'......

Godbless all of you

Love and kisses, Fiona xxxx

27 Replies
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Eminent Member     Iowa, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Prayers to her.

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Noble Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Fiona I will pray for you and your wife's recovery.  So sorry this happened to her.



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I am glad she is recovering, will say prayers for her and you!

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Noble Member     Norfolk, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 6 years ago

Well wishes to your wife for a speedy and full recovery.


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So, stroke is sort of a wide encompassing term generally referred to an acute neurological event secondary to some interruption of blood flow to a local area of the brain. A TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack) makes reference to an event that recovers with ~24 hours. Best case scenario. She could still have full recovery and yes under any circumstance what happens in near future (prevention, therapy, risk reduction) is critical. Her diabetes plays a role, for sure, but not always. Especially if it has been controlled. The workup will look for sources of arterial blood clots (carotid, heart). The Rx has been laid out. Stroke is a hot topic with lots of attention paid. NO WORSENING is key right now. Keep us all in the loop.


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Fiona, take good care of your wife, and I pray for a speedy recovery - although I know it can take some time and a lot of patience.

My father in law had one a year or two ago so I understand some of what you're going through.

Love Laura

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Reputable Member     Homosassa, Florida, United States of America
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Fiona, my heart goes out to you along with my prayers 🙏🏽 for both your wife and you.  Of course you need to concentrate on her at this time.  Her quick recovery of some use does hold promise of a more complete recovery but nothing is ever guaranteed in this life.  Take care of her but do not neglect your own health if for no other reason than if you get sick who will help her then

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Noble Member     GB
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My thoughts and best wishes to both of you at this difficult time.



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Noble Member     Louisville, Kentucky, United States of America
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Our prayers are with you  and your wife Fiona.


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Fiona you and your wife are in my thoughts and prayers

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Famed Member     South Western Ontario, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 6 years ago

Well, I wish you and your wife, all the best for recovery.


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Prominent Member     Louisiana, United States of America
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Fiona, I am so saddened by this news. Family medical crises have plagued me recently, so I know how you must feel.

Yes, you must take as much time as you need, until your wife’s condition improves to the point where she is safely on the road to recovery. Family emergencies supercede even CDH.
I, we, will all be here to cheer your return!

-- Camryn Occasionnel

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Thinking of both of you. x.

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Honorable Member     South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

Fiona, sorry to hear this news.  My thoughts are with you and your wife and I wish her a speedy recovery.

Jessica x.

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