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Hi Girls, another fun topic for this weekend 🙂 . The Genie has come out of retirement and wants to grant you all Three more crossdressing wishes. As you all wait patiently in the queue the Genie shouts to you all.... I GRANT YOU ALL THREE WISHES THAT ARE MATERIAL THINGS TO DO WITH YOUR CROSSDRESSING. Now these could be, an expensive handbag, dream perfume, a 500 dollar pair of shoes, that amazing dress you saw that you needed a small mortgage for! anything!! Mine would be...
1. A genuine Chanel handbag
2. Limitless supply of Chanel no5 perfume
3. Gucci shoes
I dont want much!!
So! come on girls, spill the beans!! what would you choose?
Love and kisses, Fiona xxx
1. Boobs (real)
2. A genuine Michael Kors handbag
3. A no-limit Victoria’s Secret gift card
In that order please!
1. No facial hair
2. Real boobs
3. Voluptuous {that's a big word} lips
A bottle of Valmont Perfume
No Beard
Much larger drawer space for my dainties.
Dame Veronica
I did not read the question well before I answered. I answered physical and I think the question was material. Will have to think bout that.
OMG Fiona! Next we do physical. For material.....a personal trainer full time, to get me into all those outfits I so adore, unlimited access to the best of lace front human hair wigs and.... a professional makeup artist always there to help create the illusion. OOps, skip wish number two. I wish for three more wishes!
Well, Fiona, if your Genie is being so generous, I would love to have diamond ear studs. Does that count as one or two items? LOL.
A new and probably extremely expensive handbag would also be appreciated. I have a lovely Gucci belt so maybe a Gucci handbag.
And shoes. A lady can’t have enough shoes. Again, that may count as two things?
Now, where are my ear studs, I think I dropped one.
hugs, Gigi
1 2 and 3 that my beloved would at least understand Caty. Not even accept, just understand
(there is a big difference)
Ultra-comfy underwear. You can build a lovely house on a good foundation.
A colour changing handbag. No more having to move everything from one to another to match the outfit.
A bespoke wonder woman outfit. 😉
(i) A full wardobe of Victorian costumes.
(ii) Some high heel Oxford shoes in black and in brown
(iii) Discreet, useable pockets in all of the skirts and dresses I own that currently don't have them.
Unlimited budget at:
1. Victoria's Secret
2. Estee Lauder
3. Any nail salon
1. a vagina
2. real breasts
3. to be 18 yrs old again
3 wishes?
the pink bra I wish for eludes me. I will know it when I see it.
An endless supply of batteries
i will save #3
For my wife and I to go out as girls at a concert hall or a restaurant
To be a genetic twenty year old hosiery model
To have enough money to replicate the wardrobe of Kate Middleton.
1) Real boobs
2) A no-limit Torrid gift card
3) Absolutely no facial or body hair.