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if i was a flower i think i would be a lady slipper. it looks like a slipper. it's pink and it's rare. i remember when i was a kid walking in the woods, once in a while you would see a lady slipper. they were a cool looking flower but now are hard to find in the wild. what flower would you be?
Savage Rose
most say pink fog I say purple fog lol yes I do have to admit I love purple
Rachel, I love this question! I love you picked a native orchid! My first inclination was to pick a native orchid as well, but I am quite a plant nerd and so many options come to mind. I love the fragrance of Spiranthes magnacamporum, a ladies tresses orchid found in only two counties in my state. For its nearly florescent color, fire pink (Silene virginica) gets the choice. I have a tattoo of this species on my shoulder. But I suspect my choice would be one of the milkweeds. I mean, they keep the butterflies going, so how do I not choose one of them? I am actually most fond of Asclepias viridiflora, a native green species found in harsh environments in my state. I honestly could pick 10-200 different species for which I would want to be, but I am not going to write a novel! lol
I'm going to go with the unconventional titan arum.
- They're long lived
- People flock from all over to witness their bloom
- The bloom is brief but memorable
I would be...
The Prettiest Lavender Phalaenopsis Orchid !
I love orchids, I am an intersex female, and intersex people are often called orchids because orchids are self pollinating and intersex people are a mix of male and female.
Ms. Lauren M
A hopeless dreamer like me choose a forget-me-not.. A beautiful bouquet of blue petals. The flower of desperate love of the one who loves eternally.