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After coming up with that title, it occured to me how many ways it could be taken lol.
In this one I'm speaking of the featherlight way that the more feminine beings amoung us greet and show affection towards one another.
Our current curcumstances have limited much if this and I've found through conversations that that loss on its own has added quite a bit of stress for many who are very used to, and now craving the simple affectionate act of touching their friends and loved ones.
Theres obviously the hug, some use just a simple arms embrace while others are full body. Some others include lightly touching of the forearm or wrist whilst saying the others name, laying a hand on a shoulder while having a personal discussion, standing behind another and putting a their hands on both shoulders for an introduction, "ladies, this is my good friend Olivia*".
Most of us should already know that arms on hips is often not a sign of affection.
It always seems to be done with such honest feelings, while of the slightest actual contact, intimate and almost sensual. Some of my female friends have blessed me with being included in these actions. I miss it and can hardly wait and hope that it returns.
The "other" genders lol ultra firm handshakes, bone cracking bearhugs, fist bumps, and chest bumps(argh) just don't compare.
The ongoing virtual hugs from Katey, and many other girls here helps to get us through
Hi Olivia, I've always been a hugger (three types) I agree with your description of the male bear hug. With me in the military I must admit that I've fallen to that level at times and then Katey will bring me back to reality. I LOVE the full body hug, it shows the person that I really do care for you but this hug does not occur until we are comfortable with each other, in other words I wouldn't give a full body hug to someone i just met. The other hug is the lean out towards each other and hug where the shoulders have contact, I would do this for people I've only known for a short while but are not yet dear friends.
I think the hug for me releases some stress on both the giving and receiving individuals. I do think hugs have much more affect than just a handshake. I wish we could get back to hugging, I miss it so much. Thanks for posting Olivia.
Olivia, this brings out to all of us the need for human contact. Before covid I had started giving hugs to my male co-workers, worried about giving hugs to the female co-workers fearing that might be seen as crossing that sexual harasment line. This past October I came out to my niece. When I told her she said she would have my back then gave me a big hug!!! I almost cry every time I think of this.
Hi Olivia,
I sooo miss ALL the personal interactions that were a big part of my life before the pandemic especially the hugs and smiles. Of course there’s the different hugs for different relationships. Even male friends got the “bro” hug: handshake, quickly draw in with the pat on the back. But the ones I miss most are the ones with very close friends and family. The ones that are full body contact filled with love and linger for a while and neither wants to let go! Because both my daughters are in nursing I have not been able to be close to them for way too long. As I sit here writing this, my emotions are overwhelming and I am on the verge of tears. We get our second vaccine shot on 3/4/21 and the Covid19 be damned! First thing I am going to do is hug my girls.. Stephanie
Hey Steph
We're all looking forward to actual contact with loved ones. Congrats on getting your shot, we're still behind on that part. Regardless of which nursing field your daughters are in, thank them for us
Hugs, Olivia
One of the ways myself and friends M&F acknowledge or comfort each other, is by gently rubbing each others back with palm of the hand. It just lets each of us know we are there for other.
Best Wishes
Hi Liv!
You got a big hug coming your way one day!
I look forward to that day!