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Hi Everyone,
I have started the quest to be as hairless as possible. As such I have completed in steps waxing my arms, chest and stomach, my back. On September 13th of all days (gulp) I have made an appointment to have my legs waxed. This hopefully is the last step. I'll look better in skirts, dresses and the like with hairless legs or so I think. How about all of you other girls out there? What has (have) been your experiences. This is all new to me.
I had a beard for 40 years or so, that I shaved off a few months ago. That was a big, big step, and of course so that I could learn to go out more, and hopefully pass.
Then I started partly shaving my chest, then the rest soon after. Now, I never had been as hairy as many men, but have got to really like having less body hair. Then my armpits, and legs.
The other thing is that I have been surprised at how quickly my chest hair grows back.
I've never tried to remove hair before except on my face. Till recently I've started shaving my chest, and have tried the hair remover cream and it sucks, might try waxing next
I really have no advice to give as my hairlessness was a complete accident. This is a true story.
I lived in an apartment in germany with a broken washing machine, as complaining got me nowhere I bought a bottle of liquid detergent and washed my clothes by trampling on them in the shower.
Et viola, no body hair since. 🙂
Hi Rachel, I'm 65 and one of the lucky ones. While I still have lots of hair on my head, I have very little body hair elsewhere. I've never had hair on my chest. The hairs on my arms and legs are very light but I do shave my legs about once a month. I just leave the arm hair alone as it naturally resembles female arm hair. I shave my armpits once a week. My wife prefers that I do as she doesn't like the smell of deodorant. And I keep my pubic hair neatly trimmed weekly as well. Funny about my facial hair. I had very little all my life (probably shaved my faced once a week) but now that I'm older I'm getting more facial hair albeit most of it is now gray, so I do shave daily (though I could get away without the daily shaving and likely still pass). I couldn't grow a beard if my life depended on it. Just not in the genes.
Hugs, Krista
Hi Girls, there are many ways to remove hair with varying degrees of success. Each has its own merits and disadvantages. The main ones are....
1. Shaving
2. IPL (intense pulsed light)
3. Epilator
4. Waxing
5. Hair removal creams
We all know how painful shaving can be, the itching!! etc, this can be reduced by washing and exfoliating the skin first, use a trimmer for the longest hairs, then a SHARP razor, preferably 5 bladed for the short hairs, Always make sure the body is well soaped or use shaving cream to lessen the chances of 'shaving burn' afterwards, it is vital to moisturise your skin using either aloe vera or other soothing cream. It is true to say, the more you shave your body, the less it affects it, i.e. the dreaded itch.
IPL. Generally this is not suitable for facial hair, only legs, arms, etc. it works best for people with fair skin and brown hair, once again it is not good for people with dark skin. It must be used carefully as too high a setting can actually burn the skin and cause damage.
Epilator, what can i say? it hurts like hell!! definately not to be used in 'sensitive' areas, you all will know what i mean here......
Waxing, again, it can hurt, but this is very effective as it pulls the hairs out reducing re-growth. Not recommended for facial hair.
Hair removal creams like Nair, do work to a degree but they do smell!! i have used these with success, but they are messy and can be time consuming.
Shaving is by far the best, true you have to keep doing it, but it is safer and done carefully, the results are awesome. Beard shadow can be reduced by using a good 5 bladed, sharp razor and going 'against the grain' on the face 🙂
Fiona xxx
Sally I don't understand. How did doing laundry in the shower make the hair go away ?
Definitely waxing is best way to go. Except the beard of course.
No amount of 'trampling' could rinse the soap completely, the resulting 'brew' of detergent, shampoo and drying dripping wet clothes on a cold radiator reacted like a blow torch on my folicles. 🙂
Shaving works great for me. I tried a few hair removal creams which worked fine but the thought of putting this on my body turned me off.
I have 4 items I use, an electric shaver, a conventional 5 blade razor, one of the vibrating 5 blade razors and then took and modified the handle of a cheapo 3 blade razor for my back.