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Interesting comment by my Daughter on Sat.

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Famed Member     South Western Ontario, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 6 years ago

So on Saturday I had to go the city where my daughter lives, about an hour's drive each way, not too see her, but to get an item from a music store, (a violin bow, actually, my 55 year old one broke!) and the stores in my area don't have a very good selection. It is about an hour's drive and I had mentioned in a text to her that I was going to coming down to that particular store. So she invited us (my wife came with me) for a socially distanced coffee after I had got what I needed. Which I did!

Here in Ontario we are still under some public health restrictions, but can at least get together as long as we follow some basic rules.

So I while was chatting with my son in law in the living room my wife and daughter had gone into the kitchen to prepare the coffee. I know, it does take two ladies to make three coffees!

My daughter is a huge fan of things Disney and has a large collection of mugs which illustrate the Disney characters, some of which she does use regularly.

A bit of this my wife told me later, but in a few minutes my daughter comes back and asks me do I want an Ariel or Cinderella mug, well I of course choose Cinderella!

What my wife told me my daughter said to her, "What would Dad like to be, Ariel or Cinderella?" She said she nearly choked up in shock! She just said, "Go and ask him". My wife knows about Amy and is very supportive too.

I have never told my daughter about Amy, though I believe she would be quite accepting. Unless she has somehow stumbled into this site and found the pictures of me, and she would recognize the background in the house without any trouble.

Unless it was just a bit of a gag, and of course it hits a bit home as it is so true!

If she has figured out my alter ego I don't mind, and actually I really would like to open up my kids, all of which are adults about Amy, but my wife doesn't want me to.

So what is your take on this little incident, Ladies?


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Noble Member     Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
Joined: 4 years ago

Amazing Amy...

Women are very tuned into certain ‘vibes’ shall we say... which does lead me to think that your daughter has an idea but won’t say anything so as not to be stupendously wrong! You could go fishing... a little lure, a little crumb of a clue..?
Wives are very protective of their broods so it is no surprise that she would not want you to ‘come out’ to your daughter(s) et al. So... you must dip your little pinkie in the water... just to test the temperature so to speak, eh?
Also... could be she had no other mugs!🤡

Ok... what hockey team do you support? I’ve gotta say “Go Habs!”

Plucky Polly!

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Since your wife is supportive Amy, maybe it makes sense for her to drop a hint and see how it gets received? She need not go further than that (unless of course your daughter says she’s all in of course!), and then you can discuss it and see what to do from there?

God bless,

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Hi Amy...

Totally agree with Polly..... maybe a little bit of fishing couldn't hurt, a few hints and smiles from you and your wife....if she was totally anti, you could both treat it as a joke. She may well have worked it out anyway....and who knows Amy, Cinderella, may well go to the ball !!!

Best wishes,

Grace ❤️

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Active Member     Mi, Italy
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Mothers with daughters have an understanding and sensitivity that others do not have. Your wife, who is very lucky for you to support Amy, will certainly know how to choose the right time to involve your daughter in sharing Amy. It will then be a party and Amy the princess. Leave it to her and everything will be fine.
Have faith

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Estimable Member     Ontario, Canada
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You’ve received some great advice so there’s not much I can offer. Might I suggest leaving it up to your daughter to make the first move. If she is aware of Amy, then she may initiate a conversation with you about her.

Love and kisses,


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Noble Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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HI Amy I think your daughter knows more about you than you believe. Trust your supportive wife, she will determine timing on anything that needs to be discussed. In the meantime, enjoy your family and the pleasant conversations. The people who  truly love you are only interested in the person they love and Amy is a part of who you are as a person.  My wife always says me there are two sides to you I am waiting to see them become one.

Luv Stephanie

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Famed Member     South Western Ontario, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 6 years ago

Thank you for all of your kind comments, and insights, everyone here seems to be one the same wavelength, that she must know or suspect something. Not sure how, and it would be interesting to find out.

I do rather like what Polly said, it would be interesting to do a bit of fishing at some time and see what happens. Although I wouldn't do it without my wife's prior approval. I am not sure how I would initiate this, but I'd have to see what happens. These days I don't see her all that much because of all the restrictions. She is now eligible for vaccine as she works with young children so she might be the first in the family to get a shot. Then I should be able to start to get mine in a few weeks, so hopefully we are closer to life getting back to normal.

Also with the weather improving in a few more weeks we will be able to sit outside more. Only on very occasional days can one sit out now, but it still isn't warm enough to do so without a jacket for very long.


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Trusted Member     Ontario, Canada
Joined: 4 years ago

Good suggestion Lisa, that way you would know the whole story before risk starting a conversation with your daughter that she or your wife isn't  ready for.



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