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Interesting Comments From The SO

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Reputable Member     In the middle of nowhere. On the corner of Podunk and Bumble., Vermont, United States of America
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Several weeks ago, my wife made a comment on how she really doesn't like the look of leggings and compression type shorts on either women or men. So I asked her well then do you have any other suggestions on what I can wear around the house? She suggested some cute shorts. I found a pair of knee length Bermudas with a cuffed hem and an elastic waist with a drawstring on the outside. I bought a pair in a powder blue. When I modeled them for her she thought they were fine and unless someone looked really closely you couldn't tell that they were women's. Since coming out to her about my desire to dress we have been taking it super slow. I've worked my way up to women's shorts, jeans and of course panties. We have some guidelines to follow and my dressing out in public is not allowed, or at least I thought.

The other night we were going out to our favorite watering hole for a quick bite and and adult beverage or two. I had on a pair of guy's golf shorts that were a steel blue color. I mentioned to my wife that these looked pretty similar to the ladies shorts I bought. If you want, you can wear your ladies shorts or jeans to dinner, she replied. I don't care they are just clothes, she went on to say. I told her that I am not there yet and that I am not ready to go out in public, especially around here. She then said maybe we can go somewhere where you can feel comfortable. I could not believe my ears.

Anyway, I am treading lightly with her comments. I'm not sure if she is becoming more supportive or trying to feel me out to see if my dressing is progressing too quickly. Maybe it's a bit of both.

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Noble Member     Brighton, Michigan, United States of America
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I agree with your course of action.  My journey with my wife is similar. I have my wife's understanding and support for which I'm thankful everday.  There, however, are limits which I do understand. After all, it took me nearly 20 years to understand my own feelings.  I happy to say, though, that in the 3 years since I  shared these feelings with her, those limits continue to develop as we come to understand this dynamic of our relationship.

MacKenzie Alexandra

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Reputable Member     In the middle of nowhere. On the corner of Podunk and Bumble., Vermont, United States of America
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I would much prefer a skirt or a dress but hey the compromise isn't so bad.

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Noble Member     Brighton, Michigan, United States of America
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I'm not following. My wife and I have a deep respect for each other.  Keeping my preference for women's clothing from herymmv drove me insane.  It took me 20 years to understand my feelings, and I'm still learning.  The fact that my wife needs time, whether months or years, to understand that I am the same man who loves her dearly regardless of clothes I wear should not be a surprise.  Patience and respect are the foundation of my wife's and my relationship. It is not permission, it is respect.

MacKenzie Alexandra

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Reputable Member     In the middle of nowhere. On the corner of Podunk and Bumble., Vermont, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi MacKenzie,

I couldn't agree with you more.   I suppressed my desires to dress for over thirty years.  That desire became so strong over the last 6 months or so that I had to give in or go crazy.  The first thing I did was tell my wife.  She was very appreciative that I told her BEFORE I started dressing.  She is still trying to come to terms with this whole lifestyle.  Honestly, I am too.  Since coming out to her she has commented that I am much happier, less stressed, and more relaxed.  She is the most important person to me and all the panties in the world could never replace the love I have for her.



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Reputable Member     In the middle of nowhere. On the corner of Podunk and Bumble., Vermont, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Sorry sweetie, I have to disagree with you.  A compromise is when both parties come to a mutual agreement.  A marriage is a give and take.

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Noble Member     Brighton, Michigan, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago


As you stated earlier, you do not have a significant other.  For you that may be the perfect situation. However, I am madly in oove with my best friend, a woman whose presence in my life is something for which I am thankful everday.  She is truly my better half and she is the best thing in my life.  I will always respect her feelings and compromise is part of any relationship.

MacKenzie Alexandra


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There are compromises daily in life .....not necessarily with a wife , SO etc.  I'm proud of what I've worked out with my wife , we both realise we don't get everything . I worship & adore her , I watch her have great days & poor days as we find our " new normal " but above all we have love & do it together

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  • Beautifully put MacKenzie
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These ladies are absolutely correct, compromise is just a part of life. It's how mature intelligent people work out a difference in opinion or solve any problem life may throw at you. My wife, my soulmate and I have been married 35 years on Saturday, you don't think there's been some give and take along the road. If there wasn't we wouldn't have lasted 10 minutes. I have a friend just like you Roxanne, he's been divorced 3 times and can't understand why. HMM!!

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Good for you, this is almost too good to be true. Lucky

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I wore women's pants and jeans for year in front of everyone for years... and no one knew or said anything about them to me; including my wife.  As long as it looks natural on you, you should be fine.

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Me too... Sometimes women can be a drag.

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I have to agree with you, Heather.  My wife and I have been together for 50 years, and we wouldn't have lasted two years without a LOT of compromise.  True, most of it was from me - but men seem to be more flexible about this.   IMO, better to lose a fight than to lose the battle.  Bit by bit, the love of my life is accepting my need to "get in touch with my feminine side", and we  talk about it almost daily.  I envy the guys whose SO is fully on-board with dressing, but I have seen that they are the fortunate minority.  I must also admit that my wife has tolerated two rather expensive activities (compulsions)  of mine over the years, so I don't feel mistreated at all.



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