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Interesting 'walking' video

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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I recently replied to a post by Samantha Bahar regarding a question she asked about the other things that men do apart from the way they walk. Because this post IS actually about men walking, I thought I'd put it in a thread of it's own.

I have found a video on YouTube which has a man instructing the viewer on the differences between men and women walking and as he is a man showing these things I thought it would be relevant to us all on CDH.

CDH does not allow posting of links so you will have to find it yourself using the title:

Masculine vs Feminine Walking Style and Body Mechanics with Todd Martin MD


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Reputable Member     Kansas, United States of America
Posts: 110

@rebeccabaxter Thank you for posting this! Dr. Martin put these differences into words that clicked for me. It makes more sense thinking about the movement as being driven by the hips, as opposed to the shoulders. It's a thought that has already helped with my walk.

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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
Posts: 1188

@rebeccabaxter Thanks for positing this!  it is great information and very helpful to me as I try to unlearn male behavior and replace it with more female actions.

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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Very useful video Rebecca. 

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(@Anonymous 95305)
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Joined: 11 months ago

Thanks Rebecca, I’m looking forward to watching that!

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(@Anonymous 95305)
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Just watched the video and as a former Physical Therapist I can tell you that his analysis of the human gait pattern is spot on. I had to study a lot of gait patterns to diagnose why somebody’s knees hurt or rehab a normal gait back into a stroke patient. 
This video is full of good information!

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
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Another idea I recently saw was using a treadmill to practice walking in heels. seems like a good idea if you have one at home. On you tube "aquire the skills of maneuvering in high heels at trans academy" the video itself seems like a bit of a fantasy type thing but the idea stands (or walks)

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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
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@sashabennett I would advise against it. I tried it on my treadmill and ruined the treadmill. It left dents in the metal under the tread that you could feel once you went back to sneakers.

(I didn't have too long to wait until the motor siezed up and had to replace the treadmill anyway.)

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
Posts: 784

@alison-anderson Maybe stay off the stilettos then 🤣

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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After watching this video, I looked for any woman walking with their hands flared out to their sides, as shown by his example. I don't ever recall having seen a woman do this except maybe on stage.

Of the dozens of women that I purposefully observed, recently, not one flared their hands out. The backs of their hand were either facing outwards or forwards naturally. Some were carrying shopping bags, so that would have affected this.

The video does not include an example of women moving hips with a swivel, either. Walking home, today, I saw another example of someone moving this way. She was short and pushing a stroller, but the swivel was definitely there.

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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What you say is probably true, but I think that real women can walk the way they want and still look like women, but we do not have that facility. We have to take all these affectations and add them to our arsenal of things we can use to look more feminine, be it swinging the hips, flaring the fingers, or any other nuance we can employ.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3977

@rebeccabaxter But if real, everyday women don't do something, why should crossdressers do it?

Flaring the fingers, as you say, seems to be contrived, an act.

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Eminent Member     Overland Park, Kansas, United States of America
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Super helpful Rebecca. Thank you. 🥰

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(@Anonymous 95305)
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Joined: 11 months ago

I think he was demonstrating the arm movement more than the flaring of the hands. When a man walks his arms swing back and forth with no obstacles but because a woman has hips, the need to swing the arms around them causes an ever so slight flaring. 
And the hip swivel comes from the way the pelvis sits on the ball of the femur in relation to the core. While pushing a stroller, you remove the support from your core to your arms and this increases the need for more hip movement to push the body forward. 

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Prominent Member     Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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Thanks so much Rebecca for letting us know about Todd Martin's video. My walk I thought I had made it somewhat feminine but after seeing and trying what is in his video I now have my feminine walk down pat. I even find and I don't know why when  I walk up stairs my hands do just naturally flare right out. It has been so helpful. So happy.

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Prominent Member     Lakeshore, Michigan, United States of America
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Hi, I'm currently watching the video, but I have thought about this for some time. Without being an expert or professional, I have always felt that men tend to walk by thrusting their legs out in front of them, sort of a forceful walk and sort of a 'longer' space between the outstretched legs compared to their height. Women seemed to lead with their hips, with their legs coming along taking slightly shorter steps for their height. I hadn't thought about the hand placement, but yeah, I just got up to do 'my' walk and yes, my arms didn't swing as much, and my hands were flared slightly more. And just as I thought, I just saw the hip lead demonstration. Nice to see it broken down like that with a little more detail than I had considered. Mostly what I thought, just more of the whole body involved and better explained.


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