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introvert is someone who is more comfortable focusing on their own thoughts and ideas than on external stimuli. Yet as a crossdresser we/I use external stimuli clothes and mirrors/pictures, to judge myself.
I have made a observation about myself, and I wonder is this the same for others.
I have let old friendship slip away as I age,(52) years old, and life runs on. I also don't make a effort to make new friendship. I have become a introvert! Is it because my crossdressing?
Today was my day off, I was happy to dress as Jenny and go out and see a movie (ALONE) shop for clothes (ALONE) go home and watch TV (ALONE)!
I would like more friends but I think Jenny stops me, I think I feel I can't have both! Or maybe I really just have become a Introvert!
Anyone else feel this way? Have you noticed the more you dress less time you have or even want to spend time with others?
I feel lonely a lot but I can't give up Dressing. Is this comon among our kind?
Jenny -
I've been that way my whole life. I've always tended toward being a loner. I've gone to parties and been the wall flower not talking to others or staying home and not venturing out. I think for the most part it is because I spent that time in denial about my sexuality and dressing. Every so often I would dress but extremely infrequently. It wasn't until a few years ago that I started to embrace who I am. Since that time I openly dress at home, for the most part. I am very thankful for this site and the girls here as I always felt alone with fear, guilt and shame. Thanks to everyone here I am able to feel comfortable in my own skin. I hope that at some point I am able to venture further outside the closet.
Male me is an introvert, most definitely, I have all the traits. I discovered one of the defining pointers to introversion in an on line quiz. Basically it said that at the end of a party, an extrovert looks to go on to a nightclub or something similar, but an introvert is exhausted and just wants to go home; this is male me.
Becca, has no such hangups, she likes going out, talking to people, asking about their loves and lives (male me is not interested), shopping for trinkets.
Far from causing my introversion, cross-dressing has brought me out of my shell.
I am anything but an introvert. However, as Jackie, I especially enjoy being alone. As much as I appreciate my wife accompanying me when out, there is still an element of behavior restriction that I adhere to. This can be the length of my skirts, the height of my heels, my choice of outfit, where I go and even my social interactions. When I have my occasional alone time adventures, it is Jackie's selfish time.
I am not looking for approval, support or any kind of validation when I am en femme. I am simply being myself, and dressing for myself. I am totally content to just be out walking in the 'real world'. Of course, due to my style of dress, I am very selective as to where I go. You won't see Jackie at the grocery store, but I have ventured into high fashion malls. My preference is gay friendly establishments.
In the early days, I went to meet-ups with other girls, but I quickly realized, I am not in need of support, and more of a loner. I am probably much more confident than I should be when I am out, but it is what it is. There is something selfishly relaxing about being yourself without having to worry or consider what others might want, think or say.
Hi Jenny,
I'm an introvert too and I've been one all my life, I've kept my crossdressing life so secret that the only ones who know are the girls on here, being a crossdresser can be very lonely life for some people, I sometimes wish i had the courage to come out to everyone in my life, but I'm not sure if they would understand, I'm not sure how they would react to the fact that their husband, father, brother, uncle likes to wear a dress,
Hugs Rozalyn X 🤗
Is it Jenny that is stopping you or is it circumstances and/or consequences, perhaps both?
Jenny seems to be here to stay and you look great and are able to go out. Perhaps you want to do more and extend the social circle but what would your wife think, colleagues, neighbours it all plays a part of considerations when we want to move forward.
You let your friends go which happens over time but is it because of your secret.
Sasha made some good comments to increase the social circle. i would agree with looking at what's available in your area that has groups with interests you may like. Just the interaction as jenny could be a fillip needed and who knows where that would lead. Just engaging in a shop for a brief moment will build confidence.
It was simple interactions that gave me confidence to progress while I was working but when I retired it was a new beginning to have colleagues and friends who only know me as I am now. I was about your age when I was isolated as but biding my time and working to a goal paid off, yes it took another decade but was worthwhile.
As many girls has said you have friends here.
I am now way more outgoing as a female than I ever was as a male. I went from being somewhat introverted to somewhat extroverted very soon after I started living as a woman. I find the change delightful.
And @sashabennett is spot on when she says that our social circles shrink as we get older (I'm retired). You have to sometimes put a lot of effort into meeting new people. Firstly because of your age and secondly because you are also a crossdresser or a trans woman. I'm lucky because in joining CDH and also being a member of other trans groups, I have gotten to know a large number of ladies, many who have become friends. I'm doubly lucky because I'm also out to a big majority of people I know, so I'm not isolated to hanging out just with other trans people. But I have found that actually I do prefer to spend most of my time with my trans sisters, whether online or in person. It is indeed a special pleasure to be surrounded by people who accept you as just another one of the ladies.
From a personal standpoint I find I am of the same philosophy as Fiona - much more outgoing as my female self than as my male persona. I have found that taking on my Kris alter ego allows me to leave my personal baggage and inhibitions behind,more able to enjoy being in the moment.
Jenny, I think it's all about striking a balance that works for us. I mean for those of us who are closetted, me included, obviously dressing has to be done in private (but I find something slightly naughty and thrilling in that). But I don't feel this secret part of us should impact our social life. I'm pretty introverted but I get out and about, particularly in the local music scene.
I feel your pain Jenny and think that if you could get to the point of accepting your girly side more completely you'd maybe find it easier to socialise a bit more. Certainly sharing here on CDH will help. Maybe try some gender therapy? I do so hope that you can find your way to a happy place honey.
Hugs, Chrissie xx.
that’s one of the worst parts of being a closet crossdresser is the loneliness. If you aren’t ready to show your feminine side to the world then dressing up becomes a solitary activity. This being alone combined with the already confusing feelings can lead to negative thoughts and emotions. in my own life I try to find the balance between my feminine and masculine sides. I really cannot crossdress too much as it will cause me to stay inside the house all day because I don’t want to take off my clothes lol. I take breaks from dressing and do so in moderation. So far this works for me much better than in the past where I would grow obsessed with dressing, spend lots of money and then feel guilty and purge it all. The guilt was not just from dressing itself but from avoiding social situations to stay home and dress and also the money spent. This website definitely helps as an outlet to express myself before I’m ready to come out of the closet in my personal life (I don’t know if that will ever happen)
- Nat
Hi Jenny,
My guy persona is very introverted, as I just like to stay out of the spotlight. Always on the fringe but not a big factor in my professional and private life.
Brandi's personality is also inverted as I would love to be a throwback 1950's housewife and be an stay home wive and attend all the house hold duties.