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Is age really just a number

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Active Member     Sweetwater, Texas, United States of America
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I wonder does age matter, apparently it seems like nowadays all the younger girls want to date older men? Whereas Older guys like to "hook up" with young girls . I have noticed lots of females out to there older or younger seem to express that same statement age is just 

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Prominent Member     Mesa, Arizona, United States of America
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@barbiebubbles I dont think age matters as much as it did 10 years ago.Marty is 75,retired and loves being retired.Michelle,on the other hand,admits to being 55,loves to dress like a lady in dresses and heels or jeans and tops and flats,depending on her mood .I dont let the age bother me because  we ,Michelle and Marty ,still have a lot of living to do.

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Reputable Member     Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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@heels234 great attitude Michelle, keep it up.

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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I think that nowadays age matters far less than personality. It's up to the individuals concerned. Generally, yes, age is just a number, and increasingly so the bigger one's own number gets.

Gentle reminder at this point: please remember that CDH is a support site for crossdressers, not a dating site.

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Active Member     Sweetwater, Texas, United States of America
Posts: 2

@jacquelinelarkspur oh yes i totally understand that , i do apologize for my topic sounding like trying to date someone that is the furthest thing on my mind i honestly wasn't intending for it to come off like that atall i just went out on the poll i read about what's your age i am utterly sorry for this misunderstanding.

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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No problem, Bobby! Thank you for clarifying, much appreciated.

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Noble Member     Brussels, Brabant, Belgium
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Age is indeed just a number, my motto is “you’re as old as the woman you feel”.  I just wish I was closer to retirement!

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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Absolutely 🙂  Until the physicalities of aging completely stop me from doing the things I enjoy, in my head I'll still be of an age to enjoy them.  I also wish I had more time that was my own in which to be Fiona, rather than my employer's!  I feel like Fiona has an adult outlook on life, but a more youthful attitude than drab me.  So in creating the woman I feel, I'm aiming for early 40's in clothes and makeup.  

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Prominent Member     Oregon, United States of America
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My chronological age is 75, but my mental age is stick at 16!

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Prominent Member     Mesa, Arizona, United States of America
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@jincrocker Love it,YOU GO GIRL.

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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In times gone by once you reached 40 you were 'over the hill' now it is different. Even in your latter years you can dress fashionably and due to better living standards and healthcare, endulge in a lot of activities.  

There is nothing new in older women going for younger men and younger girls marrying older men - I mean what ever attracted her to an 80 year old millionaire.....

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Posted by: @ab123

There is nothing new in older women going for younger men and younger girls marrying older men - I mean what ever attracted her to an 80 year old millionaire.....

My highschool chemistry teacher had the solution. I almost put it to the test.

His formula was for a young man to marry an older woman and insure her up the wahzoo. When she passes away, he would be funded to find a young woman and insure himself up the wahzoo for when he passes aways. Rinse and repeat. I am sure that you can figure out some of the inherent problems in doing this.

When I was 22, I married a woman 18 years older than me. It lasted 121 months, not until she passed away, and I never did the insurance thing, so I am not rich yet. 🤔


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It's that classic Mrs Merton question to Debbie McGee.

'What first attracted you to the millionaire Paul Daniels?'

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
Posts: 3437

@ellyd22 Where do you think I cribbed it from.....Showing your age!

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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Not necessarily.

*Ellie attempts to cover her tracks*

I might have ... er ... seen it on a video compilation.

Or something.

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Prominent Member     Seattle, Washington, United States of America
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It's just a number. I've met grown adults who behave like children, and "old soul" children with wisdom beyond their years. My wife is significantly younger than I am, but it never comes up for us because we share enough cultural touchstones that we never think of it, and our love is BIG. Other people, though? When they learn I'm 14 years older than my wife, there's often an uncomfortable pause while they figure out something to say. For some reason people seem compelled to share with me all the reasons they couldn't be with someone that much older or younger. So what? Age is merely a description of our relationship with time. It can't tell us about the quality of our character, our love for others, our passions nor our foibles. It's just a number.

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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My perceived age doesn't change whether I'm en femme or not. I'm currently 65 but I always feel I'm 23 😂 xx.

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Honorable Member     jutland, Denmark
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Still a child and never expecting to grow up.

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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I hate to rain on this parade, but yes age matters, but only to a point. First it matters in that it physically limiys you. I am.still extermely active and can still ski withe the 20 somethings, but at rhe end of the day they can go out and party until 2 AM, and I am in bed by 9. I am seeing the.limits od my physical ablities rapidly approaching.

Second, there are age appropriate situation and customs that while not etched in stone arw guidelines to.respect. i would.look rediculous dressing like a 20 somethung going out clibing in a sequined minidress. While we should dress age appropriatw, pushing thw boundaries is an okay thing to do...just don't push to far.

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(@Anonymous 47410)
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When I left active duty in the US Navy in the late 1980s, I was in my early 40s. 

At that time (early 80s), naval personnel were required to meet certain minimum body fat standards and pass physical fitness tests every quarter, regardless of age.  Meaning I, as a 42 year old male, had to meet the same standard that a 17 year old male had to meet.

I have since heard the Navy has greatly relaxed physical fitness standards.   

BTW, I wish I had the figure now that I had back then at 42 years old, especially the beautiful well toned legs from long-distance running every week. 


Should a mature lady dress fashionably?  Of course, yes, within common sense guidelines.  Torrid made it possible for larger ladies to look beautiful, so why should mature ladies hold back just because of age from looking beautiful?

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Estimable Member     New Jersey, United States of America
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As Sophie, I have a bit of a fun and wild streak in me despite the fact that I am approaching middle age.  Age is a number and isn't going to stop me from dressing like a little younger woman.


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