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Since coming out to my wife 2 months, I've dressed in ladies clothes everyday, even when we are out ill wear ladies trousers and coat have also been wearing nail varnish and jewellery all the time, just had some breast forms arrive and love wearing them, don't feel trans at all just love dressing as a woman xxx to all you lovely ladies for all the advice and stories you write to a beginner full time cd
It's really none of us to say. Honestly honey, it's between you and your spouse. What they feel comfortable with and how much you want to dress. Compromise now and let the number of times increase as the spouse gets more comfortable. Understand huny?
I personally do. I mainly have bra, underwear, regular shoes, and ladies jeans. I have a few tops, but not many and don't wear them on the road. I also have a long sleeping shirt and pants that I wear every night. I'm a truck driver, so, I like to keep the dressing low key and I've only had one person notice and that's because they are a cross dresser themselves.
I also wear nail polish every day. My wife does them for me when I'm home. Right now they are a metallic purple. I also wear a 3 in 1 foundation that matches me skin tone everyday to even out my skin color.
The wife and kids are fine with what I do and are happy that I'm happy. I have been out fully feme (wig and everything) with the wife. It's fun and plan on doing it again, but not something I do everyday. I'm happy with what I do now.
Ultimately, it's something you and your family need to discuss because it affects everyone.
Hi Samantha
If you can wear woman's clothes every day then why not.If your partner is happy with you dressing all the time then every thing is good! I would say, don't push your partner too far, she may be happy with you dressing but if you over do it she may become less enthusiastic, so my advice is just be respectful of her wishes, you need her support!
Goodness, I would if I could!
You are very lucky Samantha! Go for it, lest something change! I do every chance I get, which is primarily weekends only, and that is only in hybrid mode!
Nothing wrong with this at all!
Would love to dress 24/7 and act as a woman.
Hopefully someday in the future that will come about!
Thanks for the advice, I think I dress all the time at home because I'm not allowed to go out full femme as is the deal between my wife I can dress femme at home but not outside though all my clothes now are female I just don't wear a dress out, jeans and a top with a jumper and of course the ladies underwear all the time very silky, thanks for the comments and the love.
- I hope you can to, this is first time in my life I have been truly happy in accepting who I am
You are a lucky girl to be in this position!
I would say talk to your wife and understand how she really feels - it takes 2 to make a successful marriage - and choose your outfit accordingly and sensitively.
Enjoy your freedom but consider those who are still ajusting to it - some are great and welcoming, some become abusive.
But most of all, enjoy being yourself!
Hi Samantha please do not overdo it , you may end up smothering her ! after all she fell in love, and married a man! Their used to be 2 in the marriage and now there are 3.I feel you need to be a little delicate It takes time to adjust .( this is only my feelings and i hope it may be of help.) Good luck to you both on the journey. PYxx.
Hi Samantha, I see great feedback from our sisters here. I try to dress even a little bit at some point everyday. My wife knows and does not mind. But to reach that point, I needed to make sure that we keep in checking in with each other about what it means to us both. - hugs, Michelle
I am in agreement with Michelle. My daily wardrobe is generally a mixture of clothing that is both women's and men's. Some of my daily style actually originated at my wife's suggestion. That being said, though I am blessed with my wife's support and acceptance, there is still a balancing act as my wife and I learn how this dynamic fits into our relationship. My wife is the love of my life and I know that she needs her husband just as I need my wife. As such, there are always days in which I am just her husband (some at her request, some by my choice, and others by the needs of our relationship). Communication has always been a part of my relationship with my wife, and as is just as if not more important since my disclosure.
MacKenzie Alexandra
hi Samantha, there are two arguments here, one is on your wifes side and the other is you. now I am in agreement that in some cases its best not to overdo it for two reasons.
1. your wife may get fed up with it (she married a man after all).
2. too much of a good thing can be a bad thing! of course everyone is different, I make do with dressing a couple od days per week, owing to circumstances, true, I would like longer but I dont think I could do it 24-7 anyway. that said, other people do, it all boils down to individual needs.
on the other side of the coin, your needs are obviously very high. but be careful! you may burn yourself out! since coming out to your wife, you have seized the chance to dress more (who wouldn't?) but you may find over time, you do it a little less, I dont know, its just a thought, one of Fiona's mad thoughts!
fiona xxx
You mentioned that you will dress en femme at home with your wife's acceptance .... That is a great compromise.... My wife prefers that I not dress in her presence but is ok with my underdressing panties, cami's and my smooth soft legs....
Hi samantha that's awesome i remember when i told my partner she was giddy and drgave me clorhes to dress done each other's make up and got drunk we done this a few times but I pushed it to far kinda smothered her with as most of the ladies are saying it burst into a big row where as she doesn't want to see me dressed now but gives me time to myself allows me to wear panties at the weekends and buys me wine so I can have a glass or bottle lol.. the odd time she might have one with me now but nothing like when I told her the first time.. I pushed to much and I feel by myself again cause we don't talk about it really.. don't do what I did be very grateful and make sure she is ok and ok with it.. hope this helps abit
hugs Joan xx