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Is it possible to edit a post?

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Reputable Member     Forest Hill, Maryland, United States of America
Joined: 8 months ago

Hi. I forgot something (false eyelash attachment) in one of my make up posts. Is it possible to edit a post? Or do I need to re-write and replace? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks,  Penelope 

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Managing Ambassador
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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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Members have the ability to edit their own posts for a short time after they've published them, but after that the posts are locked. This is to prevent people from altering the content of their posts after people have already started to reply to them.

However, staff at Ambassador level and above are able to do this since (on rare occasions) we might need to moderate something that a member has written.

If you can tell me what to add, and where in your original post you want it to go, then I can insert it for you.

Ellie x


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Famed Member     DC/Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
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@ellyd22 ...and/or obsessively correct our grammar.

THEIR grammar, because not me obviously 😬 

Managing Ambassador
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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
Posts: 5176



We would never abuse our powers by correcting grammar or spelling.

Except for yours, obviously.

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Famed Member     DC/Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
Posts: 1043

@ellyd22 (ahem) I corrected it to "their".

I mean typed, not corrected.

grrrrrr dangit! 😤 

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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obsessively correct our grammar.

There are not enough hours in the day for this spelling and grammar obsessive.

Laugh Cry

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Reputable Member     Forest Hill, Maryland, United States of America
Posts: 145

@ellyd22 Ellie, thank you! I have written a section 2b that includes the material that I forgot to include previously. It would be great if a couple lines were changed to maintain the flow. Would it be too difficult to make the changes below?

In the post My Make Up Routine - Part 1, please change the last line from “See the routine part 2” to “Proceed to My Make Up Routine - Part 2a, For Wig Wearers Only”.

Change the title of “My Make Up Routine - Part 2, For Wig Wearers Only” to “My Make Up Routine - Part 2a, For Wig Wearers Only”

Change the line in the Part 2a post that reads “Well, if you are not a wig wearer, you may advance to part 3” to “Well, if you are not a wig wearer, proceed to My Make Up Routine - Part 2b, False Eyelashes”.

Finally, change the last line from “Now that we’ve softened our brow, we can join the others on Step 3” to “Now that we’ve softened our brow, we can join the others on My Make Up Routine - Part 2b, False Eyelashes”.

Thank you so much,


Managing Ambassador
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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
Posts: 5176


I've made all of those changes for you.

Ellie x

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Reputable Member     Forest Hill, Maryland, United States of America
Posts: 145

@ellyd22 You are a doll! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are the best!

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3996

Posted by: @ellyd22

Members have the ability to edit their own posts for a short time after they've published them, but after that the posts are locked. This is to prevent people from altering the content of their posts after people have already started to reply to them.

The editing window here is six hours.

I was an elevated member of a huge forum for many years. Editing messages was never a problem. If something ever got out of hand moderators were there to deal with things. I don't remember any case when moderation was necessary for updated posts, though.

I managed some of my informational posts, for years, by updating them when necessary. Doing so adds value to a good forum. 😉


Posts: 320
Duchess Annual
Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
Joined: 9 months ago

Hi Penelope,

Yes you can - within a certain time limit. I don't know what that limit is though.

eM x

(and an edit to prove it)

Look for the little pen in a square icon to the right hand side on the slightly shaded 'reply' line at the bottom of your post. If it's there, you'll be able to edit your post

Posts: 213
    Monroe, Wisconsin, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

I did edit a grammatical error recently in a reply to a post. Of course, after I changed the one word I needed to....When I applied the change it also took out all the spaces, paragraphing and pauses.


.I would go back and try again but that Number Of Hours In The Day...comes to mind





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