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Hi. I forgot something (false eyelash attachment) in one of my make up posts. Is it possible to edit a post? Or do I need to re-write and replace? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks, Penelope
Hi Penelope,
Yes you can - within a certain time limit. I don't know what that limit is though.
eM x
(and an edit to prove it)
Look for the little pen in a square icon to the right hand side on the slightly shaded 'reply' line at the bottom of your post. If it's there, you'll be able to edit your post
I did edit a grammatical error recently in a reply to a post. Of course, after I changed the one word I needed to....When I applied the change it also took out all the spaces, paragraphing and pauses.
.I would go back and try again but that Number Of Hours In The Day...comes to mind