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is there still man in you?

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Famed Member     Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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hi girls. I thought i'd discuss a difficult subject on here and one which many of you would argue is a stupid question. obviously we cross dress and those of us who are not trans gender are obviously still men (phew, glad I got that out of the way!). the question really is, how much man is still left in you? obviously there are going to be enormously differing answers here. I see it with two main options, casual cross dressers and full lifetime choice cross dressers who do it more or less full time. I fall into the latter but this raises other questions such as if you are casual, do you feel more feminine even when wearing male clothes, in other words is your whole outlook more female than male. I certainly fall into this group because my whole personality feels far more female than male regardless of what i'm wearing. my actions are feminine, my person interaction tends to be more female and to be perfectly honest I find it far easier being in female mode than male. I feel that the male side of me is forced and the female side is fluent.

so go on girls! help me out with this one! I know its a hard question and if you are like me, the word man, male etc will make you shudder!

huggles and snuggles, fiona xxx

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Eminent Member     New York, United States of America
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I have come to believe that that all crossdressers fall under the genderfluid spectrum.   Because gender flows back and forth and anyone who acknowledges this can feel it within themselves.   I had lived very much in this life, until I had to lock it in a box only to have it force it's way out to transgender levels. I am living my life as it needs to be lived now, and the happier I become the more feminine I am.

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Famed Member     Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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hi Jerrica. I totally agree with your comment and certainly in my case the happier you feel the more feminine I feel. it is true to say though, I am only at my happiest in female clothes, I so hate mens clothes!

hugs and kisses, fiona xx

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Reputable Member     Middlesex, New Jersey, United States of America
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I spend most of my life as a male, and, even though most of you will not be pleased to hear me say this, do not consider myself to be a female or have the desire to be a female. I can't consider myself as a female because I know I'm a male. What I am is a male who has an overwhelming need to express a feminine side. Confusing? Definitely! I spent my entire life trying to understand it. So, yes, there is still a man inside me, and he is the dominating side of my left.

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My male persona has always been there for me and he always will.  He's a good provider, kind, patient and responsible.  He makes it possible for me to explore the wonders of femininity.  When he gets home from work, he turns his world over to me.  When we wake in the morning, I embrace him and he takes over his world once again.   Sometimes he takes a little piece of me with of my bralettes or even a bikini.  In many ways, our relationship is like a marriage.  I would never do anything to hurt him or his reputation.  And if the price for that is staying hidden within these four walls most of the time, I will pay it.  We're a team.  We were separated for so many years, and we'll never let that happen again.  We're blessed to have each other.  And I'm blessed to have made acquaintances here who can understand how I feel.

He is proud of me...and I of him.

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I am a man, and I have never considered myself as anything else.  I do not wish to be a woman.  Rather I am someone who likes to wear the clothes that are most comfortable and fit my personality and mood from one day to the next.  One day that may be a dress while another day that may be a shirt and tie.  Though generally, my wardrobe consists of a mixture of items that could be considered masculine or feminine.  I am me regardless of how I dress, and my personality is not any more feminine because of how I dress.  The characteristics that could be considered masculine or feminine traits have always been part of who I am.  How I chose to dress does not dictate those traits.  On the other hand, it could be said how I dress is dictated by my personality traits, both masculine and feminine.

MacKenzie Alexandra

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Fiona - I'm sure whole books have been filled by folks trying to answer your question. My answer (for now) is a lot simpler than that. I am a man, and much more comfortable with my male side. I know "the language," so to speak, and I am only a curious foreigner in the world of women. That said, I'm not a macho dude, and I think the behaviors of many man -- perhaps most men -- to show each other that they "belong": sports talk, dirty talk, tough talk, demeaning women, fighting, and so on, are ridiculous at best, dangerous at worst. Over my life I have seen myself doing these things and have discovered myself discarding these behaviors.

It leaves me in a strange middle ground, deeply in touch with my feminine side, yet presenting in public as a man. When I can, I put on my glad rags and get as far into my femininity as I can. So I have to say the male is not the one inside. He's on the outside, and the woman waits inside for her rare opportunities to step out and show herself.
I have to admit I'm happy to see her on those occasions, and I'm looking to get to know her a lot better. 🙂

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Lori Stark, I find myself much in the same boat. I don't dress in public, no desire to go out and try to pass. My wife is not super supportive, but is rather nonchalant about the whole CDing thing, though she sometimes buys me panties as a gift.


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I have considered myself at least partly a girl since I was very young and always wished I was borne a complete girl and raised as such. Yet the man has been alright and even successful. He's still there out of necessity, but I steadily find ways to minimize his prescence in my daily life and let the woman take as large a place in it as possible.

Ellen Marianne Tornander

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One of the people in the world that truthfully knows me better than myself said this to me: "Randy you are not on these straight guys that have a women's underwear fetish. You go all out. You shave your legs,  your pubic hair is like a stripper, you sit down to pee and belong to those weird sites where that is all they talk about.. You have packages coming in every other day and you have more women's clothes than men. You have more women shoes than I do. You are gone, sometimes days at a time and you don't answer. Tbe porn in your history is nothing but sissy related. I don't think you have fucked me in a year. Randy face it you are not another so-called straight crossdresser".


When she said all of that (Much more and..a y.more than once) I may have been in denial, trying to keep a long term relationship alive out of habit or of nor wanting to start all over again because I flat out denied her assessment to be comprehensive.


She is gone now and never coming back, at least under my say, and I have to agree she is right. I spend almost all my time in girls clothes now, I sit down to pee, when men talk graphically about sex it bothers me, I wait for men to open doors for me in public and if someone calls me dude or sir the least that they will get from me is am irritated stare . I don't care if anyone knows anymore , although she had taken that out my hands a long time ago. When people ask me the stupid question I am a man that wears women's clothes, a sissy.  I don't lift anything heavy anymore and I demand that men treat me like a lady.


I will never get gender reassignment surgery although I really really want my own boobs. I refer to myself as a pussy or sissy in pretty much any company.


I don't know I am on the fence here. What do you girls think?


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Great question Fiona, I have amalgamated the 2 parts into one person. I have this shell around me which is Bryan, but on the inside it's all Heather. I realized at a very young age I was different and drove myself crazy fo 30 plus years until I finally accepted myself. You can call me what you want and see me as you like but it's all in one neat little package I call Heather.

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Reputable Member     Kent, United Kingdom
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Hello Fiona,     Yes, I would say I am a man, & I  have all the normal mens feelings, & I am happy with that. I am a crossdresser & love every minute of it. So I do not see myself as a woman, but love everything about women. I think about female clothes/etc most of the time, &  dress as often as I can. I did think I would have loved to been a girl & lived in a young girls world, but dressing as a young girl is fine now. So yes there is still a man inside me, but loves the woman around the outside.

love,  Helanmarie

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Famed Member     Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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hi girls. yes very many interesting replies here, certainly looking at things from a different perspective for me. whether you are all man, half man, more female than a man, matters not a bit to me, the most important bit is we all like to wear womens clothes. it certainly was a hard question to put forward as I knew there would be so many differing replies but I am very grateful to all of you that did reply and gave us all an answer from your perspective. take care girls!

love and kisses, fiona xxx

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Famed Member     Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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hi bobbi, sad to hear of your earlier experiences, that must have been awful but at least its got a happy ending. i have to do some manly things around the house but i dont like it, its due to necessity but yes i do share the same feelings as you. if i could, i would be female most if not all of the time,

love and kisses, fiona xx

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Trusted Member     Michigan, United States of America
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Considering I'm just starting out on my crossdressing lifestyle, I'm not sure how much is masculine and how much is feminine. So far, I've only worn a wig and some basic makeup. I did discuss this with my mother, and as it turns out I only present myself as male when I'm not expressing myself. I've never noticed before and wonder what that says about me. Guess I'll find out once I dress the rest of my body.

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