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Hi everyone,
Today is my most wonderful day ever!!! For those of you who know me I’ve been dressing for 50 years, together with my wife almost 35 years. My goal for this year was to tell my wife about my dressing, I’ve tried a million times in the past yet could never summon the courage. Everyone here has given me wonderful advice but I could not do it ! Here’s what transpired yesterday….
My wife had gone out for a mid morning cofffe with a friend, I knew I had about an hour and a half me time so I put on some black silk stockings and grey ribbed Cotten dress. I did some laundry and things and like I always do I set my timer for 20 mins before she was expected home, the alarm goes off I undress change into shorts in a Tshirt . I then go to put away my dress when the phone rings, then shortly thereafter Amazon delivery at the door. I go about my business start to prepare lunch for my wife and I . She comes home big kiss and then uses the bathroom and it happened.
She comes out with a big email holding my stockings and say laughing I’m sure there’s a story here. I was mortified, I fumbled around said something like I was cleaning, grabbed the stockings and went into my office, I came out and she was her normal self, me quiet and like that for the remainder of the day. Throughout the day she kept asking me if I was ok and I feebly kept saying yes. We’ll fast forward to bedtime.
we get in bed give each other big kisses and roll over. I toss and turn and she says are you sure you’re ok and at that point I started to cry. I told her I was sorry about this afternoon and she said about what I said you know I’m embarrassed those are my pantyhose. She so ok so what, I proceeded to cry hysterically as I told her my history of crossdressing and some difficult events in my teens that saw me become comfortable and safe when I dressed and as I got older it was my safety stress relief valve. I told I have had this on my shoulders for over 50 years and it was such a burden.
She then held me tight and told me it doesn’t faze her one bit, she loves me unconditionally and will be with me forever. I could not stop crying I was speechless. She finally calmed me down and said she has zero problem with me dressing, she was happy that I was honest and shared my secret with her and she loved me forever. After I long time of crying I calmed down and we finally got some sleep.
This morning I said I wanted to say a few more things. One being I wouldn’t dress in front of her and she happily said that dressing wouldn’t be a problem. I told her if she ever had any questions please ask and she said I’ll sure I will but when I do do not read into because it will just be a question and that’s it and I told her if days from now she thought about it and wanted to move on she could and that’s when she got mad and said Never and don’t ever say that again I love you for everything you are.
Her only question was if I wanted to leave her and I stared to cry and said never of which she said than that’s the end of it,and I could talk to her about dressing, buying clothes whatever and for me to never be anxious again!
Well I am so thankful for her and blessed. I’m glad I shared albeit by accident, but it ended up being the best thing ever. I Eve. Told her I’m surprised years ago you didn’t notice all your stretched stockings, she said she did and prolly should have said something and I said well you don’t have to worry now because I have my own and she chuckled.
Thanks to all of you for your support, for I can finally live my life as husband and Ginger!
Oh Ginger, I'm so happy for you hun. Give your wife a big hug from us all. Do you think you will dress in front of her now that the cat's out of the bag? xx.
Congratulations and thank you for that heart felt post. I have to admot I teared up a bit. As has been said many times, we are our own worse enemy and read.way more into our choice out attire then.need be. My wife's response along eac step of.my journey is "They are just clothes.".
I told my wife the first time I wore her sexy panties how much I enjoyed and she was fine. I occasionally wore them in bed and occasionally aked to wear her bra and she was fine, and we had fun. Much later as I.expanded into dresses and such I hesitated to tell her, but k ew I would be "caught" sooner or later and just fessed up about my desire to dress...I was wearing a very sexy bran, panty and garter set with sheer black stockings so it wasn't much of a leap to say I liked dresses. Which, was good, because ahortly after she came home unexpectedly and I.was in.a skirt and blouse. She has since called ahead giving fair warning if somebody is stopping by the house when she is out.
You have a wonderful loving wife and I'm very happy things have worked out so well for you.
My wife (then girlfriend) found a pair of my pantyhose hastily tucked under the end of the bed when she came home unexpectedly. I was mortified and came up with a ridiculous story and later that day told her the truth. Like your wife all she did was tell me she loved me for who I am not or what I wear in my spare time, then went out and bought me a pair of crushed velvet pantyhose and some panties. We are lucky to have fell in love with a SO who doesn't judge. It must be a tremendous relief to finally get that out in the open and no longer have to keep a secret from the person you love most in this world. I know it was for me.
Ginger that's wonderful, congratulations! 🙂 The weight of all those years of secrecy and anxiety suddenly lifted and unexpectedly replaced by the best support imaginable - it makes me emotional just to think about it! I bet you're on cloud nine today, and deservedly so. I'm really happy for you 🙂
Fiona xxx
I'm amazed you managed to keep it secret for 35 years, I managed for for about 22 days after I started dressing last year then I came clean. I truth though, I didn't think there would be a huge problem so I wasn't too worried and the wife came round to it quite quickly, so much so that once again, tomorrow, we are going shopping with me en femme.
I'm so glad it is all out in the open for you and you can look forward to getting your own wardrobe, clothes, shoes, jewellery and fragrances. Good on you.
One thing that had me confused for a short time was this sentence:
She comes out with a big email holding my stockings
until I worked out you meant 'smile'. Priceless 🙂
Glad that things turned out so well and your wife is very open and accepting of "all of you"! and seems willing to participate. the Acceptance, participation and support is some of the biggest things we all want/need/desire!
You're very lucky, Ginger.
Hi Ginger, I am so deliriously happy for you! For all of us with spouses, whether we are CD, trans, or intersex, it is wonderful if they can understand and accept us for who we are. Your very happy ending brought tears of joy to my eyes, and I have great hopes for your relations with your wife!
My dear wife came to accept me as an intersex trans woman living as a woman 24/7. We now talk about all things feminine, hair, makeup, shoes, and can wear each others clothes, she is comfortable going with and doing anything with me as a woman.
I wish you lots of happy times with your wife!
Ms. Lauren M
I can only add my happiness for you Ginger. Now is the time not to dwell on the 'what ifs' but to live for the future with your wonderful wife.
I’m so happy for you Ginger. So many of us could only wish that might have happened to us. The only thing left for me to say, is, does your wife have a single sister who might be interested in a CD?
Thank you for relating your story Ginger, I'm so happy for you. Just go slow and easy, don't try to rush things, keep the lines of communication open and you should be all right. I suggest you buy your lovely wife a bouquet of roses as a thank you.
Ginger, Congratulations, that's all I have to say.
That's just a great story, It's so nice to have a happy ending once in a while. I hope you both have lots of fun with it.