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I am officially Denise as of about 11:30 this morning. I walked into the Courthouse and was able to sign everything in regards to my name change and they told me that everything will be mailed within two weeks. I also went and got the name change on my driver's license. I am going to love seeing Denise for my name now and love that everyone has been calling me Denise. My dad even introduced me to one of his friends who I had never met and told him this is my oldest daughter Denise. Made me feel so good.
Many congratulations, Denise!
Congratulations, you are officially what you have wanted to be.
It is good for you. Congratulations, Denise.
Congratulations Denise. The only way is up now.
This is wonderful to read Denise, so happy for you
Congratulations Denise! You must be floating on air.
What a happy day this must have been for you. Congratulations.
Denise -
Congratulations, so happy for you.
- Congratulations Denise!!!! And to have your father introduce you as his daughter is icing on the cake. In May, the Bishop of my church will renew my baptismal covenant as Ragina Marie, the first step for me.
Congratulations Denise