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For so many years I have been using a manly blue toothbrush. About 6 months ago whilst out doing the weekly shop I bought a replica brush but in pink. It does exactly the same job but looks so right whilst the blue one always looked so male. This baffles me but I know it's a huge part of the condition. This week I did the weekly shop alone ( my wife and I normally go together) - I bought myself a Lidl own brand of womens deodorant instead of the male ice cool one I normally get - I have been using it for two days and I feel like a million dollars - it's not an overbearing femme smell but it is certainly femme. It's doing exactly the same job as my old deodorant but feels 100% right. The mind is a weird beast
I haven't used male deodorant for many years. My wife and I use the same one.
I keep a blue toothbrush so I remember which one is mine.... It sounds silly, but my colour vision is a bit weird. I stick with a bright blue. My son has a purple toothbrush.... A normal blue brush looks the same as his purple one to me.... I have to "learn" my toothbrush 🙂
I've taken to carrying a purse (a UK purse. a thing you put money and cards in) when in man mode.
I don't own any male underwear.
Whilst I have a couple of very nice male watches, I tend to wear a female watch.
I Always wear earrings. Sometimes obviously girly dangly ones.
As you say, it's the small things that make the drab life bearable.
My favorite is Secret Lavender spray. Very pleasing scent.
A great topic Sally. Been using ladies deodorant for years now. I found that the male varieties sting or burn so. Good idea on the toothbrush. I try to use a purple one.
I use Secret deodorant, and you know what? It's the best one I've ever used. And now my wife and I have simplified our shopping! 🙂
I also use the Venus razor to shave my body, as it doesn't hack up my skin like male-orientated razors do. And my skin feels smoother afterwards. See what happens when you open up to new experiences?
Interesting topic.
I wear earrings 24/7 and sometimes wear dangling ones though nothing too flashy. I also wear bracelets 24/7, they look a bit manly but can be considered femme. I got one of them at a craft show and the woman at the booth told me it was a female bracelet, I told her it was okay. My nails are polished all the time, while it may be clear with a pink tinge they are gel and shiny. Recently I received some compliments on them which was nice. I use Venus razors when shaving my body, I love the colors and they feel so good when I'm shaving. I use Oil of Olay lotion on my face almost every day and moisturize as well. I haven't purchased feminine deodorant yet but that is one of my next feminine product purchases. I have a purse that I carry for my phone, notebook, pen, emery board, chap stick and I have a caribiner attached to it with a couple cute keychains, hand sanitizer and small bag with tylenol and band aids. This past weekend I was gifted a cute hand sanitizer/lotion holder in the shape of a dog paw that is fuzzy tan with heart shaped paw pads along with bottles of lotion and hand sanitizer for it (came from Bath and Bodyworks) - a birthday present from my dog.
It is fun doing these girly things without anyone really noticing or knowing why.
Showing my age now and off at a tangent, I recall a Max Bygraves hit of 1959 about a pink toothbrush and a blue toothbrush which stated that we use the same toothpaste...so toothpaste has always been gender neutral..
Hi Sally, I'm sort of a minimalist and just use what works for me. I use Lady Speed Stick Gel and have a white electric toothbrush. I rarely shave (mostly to plane my face since I'm hairless) but do use a Venus razor when I do. All my clothes are women's or unisex and I don't use perfume or scents (I'm deathly allergic). I do have a bushel basket of assorted shampoo, hair stuff, makeup and lotions and am still not happy with my look but can live with it. Anyway, each day I get up and put myself together as best I can in the time allotted and then go out and live life. The only time I really stick out is when I'm going out to an event and then I'm really dressed up otherwise, I just blend in like everyone else. Safe Journey, Marg