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Hi girls, For the closeted ones out there I was wondering how many feel like this at times. When finished with your limited time dressing and stashing things away (sometimes in a hurry) do you feel upset with yourself? I get to the point at times that I'm singing "I hate myself for loving you" ("you" being your femme self).
I'm with you, hon. It is very difficult, every time. Can hardly bear to take off my pantyhose especially. For you, now that I've seen your pics, oh my goodness, such a beautiful body and you know how to wear clothes too! I can understand how hard it must be for someone who's got what you got, not to have it adorned as prettily as possible every moment of the day.
@robinette It seems completely natural.
- You're not ready for it to end, and it's normal to feel that to be a frustration;
- The dichotomy of your life would be very apparent in those times and feeling that tug in two directions would seem to only stack on top.
Plan for that feeling and acknowledge that it's coming, and give yourself a little slack afterwards.
[hug] Mel
That's always tough. The roller-coaster high of dressing to the bummer of putting stuff away. One other bummer trigger, the smell of nail polish remover. I'm just happy that I got some time for a little self expression. And look forward to doing it again.
I used to feel that way too Robinette but take a positive in that it will come out again and you'll feel the wonderful. It is something to look forward to.
I definately feel like that especially as my living situation means that I never know when I will get to dress again. I do try and focus on other things to act as a distraction (other hobbies, work etc...) but doesn't always work.