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Just curious....Who have you told and what was the outcome?

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Eminent Member     London, London, United Kingdom
Joined: 7 years ago

Good morning girls!

I’m feeling a little reflective this morning! I’ve been mulling over the last 4 and a bit years or so of my life. Like many of you sisters, I’ve been through the dress-up/feel guilty/purge/rinse/repeat process more than a few times over the years. I’m pretty certain that I’m over that now and I’m beginning to embrace the more feminine side of me. That’s been helped not only by stumbling across this site while looking for answers, but also by me having somehow found the courage to tell a few people about my dressing.

The first person I told was a girl I’ve known for a very long time. We’d had a couple of romantic encounters in the past,but we also lived together as friends for many years while I was in my very early 30’s. we’d had a few drinks one night and it just came out. I think it had to eventually and in retrospect I’m so glad she was there when it did. She didn’t even blink. She gave me a hug, gave me a beer,and helped me paint my toenails a lovely shade of green!

I felt less isolated after that for sure. I decided to tell my long term girlfriend about 6 months later. I loved her dearly and I was convinced that I would marry her. I hated keeping this from her so one night, while we were out for a walk, I gently brought it up with her. What a completely different experience that was... her reaction was so crushingly negative that I remember feeling physically sick. She was completely and utterly disgusted and did not hold back on telling me so. We’d split within days and that made me keep my mouth shut for several years.

Since then I’ve told a couple of other people,including my now intermittent girlfriend who is truly nonchalant about it so long as I’m happy , and my best guy pal who has been unbelievably excellent about it. Telling him was one of the hardest things I’ve done on an emotional level than anything else ever. Weird thing is that I feel much more comfortable talking to him about it than her!

Anyway, enough about me. Can’t ask you ladies to share if I haven’t first can I! 🙂

Which of you girls have told someone about your love of things feminine and how did it pan out?

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New Member     Jacksonville, FL, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

I have told a few people and have had a variety of outcomes. I'm currently single, so whenever I am talking to a girl with the intention of dating perhaps, I will look for someone I think seems very open-minded, and then bring it up, in small bits, as early as possible.

So the first person I told was my sister, she was completely cool with it, wanted to see pictures, told me to come with her to bars and such dressed up; altogether,very supportive. The next person I told was a close female friend who was living with me over the summer, we drank one night in the apartment, and I just told her. She was quite surprised, but afterwords had a positive attitude about it. She was almost forceful in taking me out to buy clothes with her.

I have not directly told any guy friends about this, I am steadily easing my way into that. For some reason it seems much more difficult to me.

My advice, or thoughts on the matter of who to tell would be to base it on a case by case selection. It is fairly easy to gauge male friends' potential for open-mindedness. Obviously the easiest solution is to start off the friendship with them knowing, but that might not always be the case. I think the two types of guy friends that would be open to accepting this part of us fall into these categories: those with the response of "oh dang, I had no idea... So, anyways, what do you want to go eat?" This type of friend doesn't not care about you, they just simply understand that this aspect of you doesn't change who you are, it merely adds another factor that explains who you are. The second type of guy friend is the one who is excited to do everything and loves it when you get excited about things too. This friend knows you well enough to see that you are holding something back, the release of that it accepted grandly. Now, these should be taken with a grain of salt; the background of people varies greatly, some people were raised to believe certain things, they should not be held at fault, but maybe they just aren't the right person to tell at the moment.

Alright, long-winded, but complete.

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As of now my wife knows and has complete acceptance.I let her know my most inner feelings and held nothing back.She understands there is a lady inside of me that wants out.I dress now at my leisure and she has no problems with my Lady side.It is just to bad the rest of the world can't except us for us being who we are.I think as a matter of fact the wife and I will go shopping today.Need more HEELS,LOL.

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Active Member     Portsmouth, Hampshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

<p style="text-align: center;">Hi only recently told my wife of 13 years, she's been very supportive, has helped me pick clothes and underwear, have had it hidden for 30 odd years, feels very good to be who I truly am at home without having to hide anything, feels even better to have my own clothes and shoes just getting used to the heels, loving the experience</p>


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