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Just thinking

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Reputable Member     Vegreville, Alberta, Canada
Joined: 5 years ago

Iwas just thinking and maybe it is already in place... Would it be neat if m2f and f2m had a group where they can trade clothes.. Where a f2m has clothes to offer or trade in place of male cloths and vice versa. One gender helping out the other. I am sure this has been thought of but with newer genre joining this group I am wondering if it is in the works other than the for sale site. So for those who are transitioning or crossdressing it might be more helpful than ordering on line.... I think there is but it is just a thought thats all...

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Posts: 2144
Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Hi Stevie65!  Some of our Sisters somewhere offer for clothes on your group. Best places are Venus, Rose Gal and Aliexpress sites. Your fashion likes, sizes and so on.........everything has difference desires. This route would be very hard to manage. Post you specific wants and yours sizes.

Dame Veronica


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