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This morning I stopped at the clinic to get some lab tests done for my doctor appointment tomorrow. Since I was on my way to work, I was dressed in my current 'drab' mode. My shoulder length hair tied back in a ponytail , my loop earrings and my postal uniform. The last couple of weeks I have been wearing pale pink lipstain ( instead of lipstick) and lip gloss.
I first stopped at the reception desk to tell them I was in for lab tests and gave them my name. They have me under Cassie and my male name, since that is what my insurance is under.
Moving to the lab I saw that there was already 10 people waiting and the lab wouldn't be open for 10 minutes. As I waited 3 or 4 more people showed up. As they starting to open up they told us to come to the desk in the order that we came in. Everyone made comments about the order that they came in, I did comment that I needed to get to work in a half hour. As we got into line one lady was directing us, seems like she had a good idea who came when. At one point she pointed at me and said she's next.
At the desk I gave them my name and date of. birth. Then it was another couple minutes before the lab technician called my name 'Cassie '.
Just another nice morning of acceptance.
Hi Cassie,
It sounds like you had a really good day of just being yourself.
At the clinic and several other places I am also on their files with my preferred name of Lynne and it always feels so good to be called by name and referred to as she.
Hi Cassie,
I am the same in that way. If someone refers to me in the masculine form when I am out and about I just let it slide, even though it is disappointing. However, I am often referred to as Lynne no matter how I am dressed.