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Hello, girls. Just want to wish all of you and your families a wonderful Labor Day Weekend. 🙂
Love, Edie
You too Edie....
On this labor day we need to put our labor into looking fabulous so we take the world by storm!
You too Edie, have a fab weekend.
Hugs, Davinia xoxo
Thank you so much Edie. The same to you.
all the best to you and yours Edie on this holiday weekend
Happy Labor Day to all the members here on the forum!
I am so blessed to be semi-retired from the rat race, I fully retired when I turned 57, 2 years ago. My working wife is 7 years younger and has good insurance working for the government. I recently got a part time job working about 30 hours a month as a consultant and trainer for a build engineer position. I totally understand what it means to work for a living and salute all Americans who do not work the welfare systems loopholes and freebies just because that is all they know. Those who work are the backbone of this country and it is fitting that we get a day to celebrate...even if we have to work on that day...and a lot of us do work on that day! Cheers to all the hard workers in America!
Thanks Edie, and I hope you have a great weekend too!
You do the same Eddie !
Stacey S