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[Closed] Learning Differences and Gender

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(@Anonymous 96477)
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Joined: 9 months ago

I’ve come to understand as I grow older that I seem to exist in a subconscious state. My thoughts happen somewhere else, outside the front part of my mind that is ‘visible’ and I’m aware of. I feel as if I’ve lived in a perpetual fog. I’ve often labelled myself as stupid (actually a ditz), but objectively I don’t think I’m particularly unintelligent. I often just arrive at things in a way that I can’t explain, as if there was no process. My mother was very much the same. She was a talented astrologer, but never in her life could she calculate a chart, she had to get my father to do it for her. I know she felt the same lack of confidence and frustration that I’ve always felt as well.

I quit school when I was just thirteen and never went back (much later I did train in culinary arts). I clearly had a learning ‘difference’ that wouldn’t necessarily have been picked up on then (I was just a ‘difficult’ kid). In a way I’m glad it wasn’t. I don’t have a ‘problem’ that requires ‘fixing’ whether it’s my difficulty in rational thought or my gender. However I’m unsure how, or if, the two things are related.

Does anybody have any thoughts?



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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1828

@simplymadeleine I think everyone's learning process and thought process is different. My personal experience is that I have to want to learn something. If I am obliged to learn something that is of little interest, I'm pretty lazy about it (ie I did just enough at school to get by). I don't see a learning difference as a problem, but I understand why an educator would if they're trying to get the same information out to a large group.

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Estimable Member     Ontario, Canada
Posts: 45

@simplymadeleine I recall knowing someone who knew every intricate details of every Star Trek TOS series just off the top of his head, but when it came to anything that was just taught in a class...not a thing would stick.

(@Anonymous 96477)
Joined: 9 months ago

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Posts: 5

@sroyer Seriously? I think I'm deleting myself from this site for good now. Not a bunch of fetishists? I can't be bothered to waste my time.

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Estimable Member     Midland, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 68
@sroyer Sorry to see that kind

of behaviour from whom ever that was who deleted their profile. I just thought the conversation was going to get interesting. Good thing that they did leave.

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Estimable Member     Ontario, Canada
Posts: 45

@daddydavita Trolls in sheep clothing.  Too bad they don't look as well dressed and hold as good a conversation as us girls.  Happy Woman Face

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