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I’ve come to understand as I grow older that I seem to exist in a subconscious state. My thoughts happen somewhere else, outside the front part of my mind that is ‘visible’ and I’m aware of. I feel as if I’ve lived in a perpetual fog. I’ve often labelled myself as stupid (actually a ditz), but objectively I don’t think I’m particularly unintelligent. I often just arrive at things in a way that I can’t explain, as if there was no process. My mother was very much the same. She was a talented astrologer, but never in her life could she calculate a chart, she had to get my father to do it for her. I know she felt the same lack of confidence and frustration that I’ve always felt as well.
I quit school when I was just thirteen and never went back (much later I did train in culinary arts). I clearly had a learning ‘difference’ that wouldn’t necessarily have been picked up on then (I was just a ‘difficult’ kid). In a way I’m glad it wasn’t. I don’t have a ‘problem’ that requires ‘fixing’ whether it’s my difficulty in rational thought or my gender. However I’m unsure how, or if, the two things are related.
Does anybody have any thoughts?