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Lexicons & Lexicology & Pink Language

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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Lexicon and Lexicology. Both interesting words. Both interested in words, Pink or otherwise.

As a confidant dresser in public, do you change your vocabulary when en femme. Does your guy-talk get unceremoniously flushed down the pan. Do blokes or dudes become sweeter menfolk. Does your language soften.

I’m not so interested here with the TLAs (three letter abbreviations), the AMABs or the OBGs of our world so much as the actual words you might use. Is it (excuse the preemption) in any way softer; is there in fact a Pink language?

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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I will also share that I haven’t yet entered the chat rooms here, bit afraid of being immersed in a new world perhaps. Maybe in time.

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
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For me, yes!  When I'm presenting lady-like I do my best to behave lady-like - mannerisms,  actions, conversation, etc.

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 812

@mkat3874 TY. Any examples of words you would or would not use?

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
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No cursing or swear words for sure. Maybe a slip on rare occasion, especially when driving, but I'm more aware and in control of my conversation when in public.  

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 812

@mkat3874 So we’re concluding that ladies mind their Ps and Qs. I would tend to agree.

That said, I’ll be openly honest and share that I’m still processing my co-singer who was moved to call me a f…..g a……e, seemingly just because I wanted to also sing Speed of the Sound of Loneliness with her at the gig we were rehearsing for. Still not quite got my head around that. My worry is that she may just be right. 😔

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
Posts: 231


Even the ladies have their public and private conversational differences.  While, from my observations, they may hold back a bit more in public they can sure let it fly when they feel comfortable with the company they are in. My wife may call me "sweetie" or "dear" if I say or do something that might bother her while out of the house but her address would be far less pleasant if at home. 😂

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 812

@mkat3874 …are you admitting to being a F….g a….e like me then?! Girls together!! 💕

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
Posts: 231


Yes, I believe the shoe fits!

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 812

@mkat3874 perhaps a badge of honour then. 💚

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
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Prominent Member     Honesdale, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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Yes, my choice of words changes. I'd prefer not to sound like a trucker in a dress so I choose different wording to say things. Few men refer to anything as "pretty" they'll say it's cute. The change isn't drastic but more subtle. Listen to women speaking and then think about how men would say the same thing. 

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
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I find that I use "cute" and "sweet" far more often when dressed, especially in public.  

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@cherylt You just struck a nerve for me Cheryl. Men do tend to avoid the word “pretty”. (Always sounded gay to me.) I’ve had fun telling girls on CDH they look pretty - much because it’s a word I avoid in drab. It’s a girly word that’s missing from my drab toolbox 🥰

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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The language is the same but my are there differences. 

Man to man - 'You okay'  'Yup, as well as can be' - 'Cool'. That's the end of the conversation.

Woman to woman - 'How are you' - 'Oh I'm okay, as well as can be'. - 'You don't sound okay, is there something wrong?'  'Well seeing as you ask.....

There is a very different dynamic in conversation face to face and behind the back. As a Trans person I have worked and been among woman and it has taken me a while to attune myself to conversation. Yes I may have female traits such as empathy and emotion but chatting is way different. Men would flush at what is said and I thank my biology ad medical knowledge for some of the nitty gritty discussed.

Perhaps CDH could create a diploma course.....



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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 812

@ab123 It may be a book which is scoffed at by some and has perhaps outlived its usefulness, but, in my earlier quest to understand women (as if I could ever), I related well to the book by John Gray, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. One main difference was put forward that men will generally want to listen & fix. They need a solution to every problem posed. Whereas women will just soothe and calm with, ‘Yes I know’, not a solution in sight. But both approaches have their merits. Perhaps you have seen this first hand.

I do however, please excuse me, gulp at your stance that empathy and emotion are female traits. Final answer? Phone a friend? x

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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@valentina16 Empathy and emotion was mentioned as it was something women colleagues that were introduced to the female me said about me as a male. To me that inferred feminine traits and that they could confide about personal issues in the course of my work that they wouldn't with other male colleagues.

Those traits aren't exclusively female but perhaps stronger in females is where I would be. 

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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Interesting question.

I think when dressed I am more careful in certain aspects (no swearing) and more free in others(cute, pretty, sweetie, et al). Throughout my life I was always careful not to use terms like pretty, beautiful, cute and other "girlie" words as to not appear less than manly. Now I use those words a lot whether en femme or en homme. It is so nice being able to truly express how I feel. 

I agree that women have public and private ways of talking. I'm a retired nurse and worked with women for 20 years. Some of the conversations that took place would make a trucker blush.



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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 812

@cdsue Some peace in your life it seems. 💚

And (attempting to resurrect an outdated and well-worn ‘joke’): “What does Dela wear, Suzy?”

 I will go sit back in the naughty step. 😉

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
Posts: 2111

@valentina16 never heard that one before, very good. In answer to the question frilly panties under a short leather skirt and a cute lace top.


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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 812

@cdsue Ooo-la-laaaa, my frilly friend!! 💚☺️💚

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 812

possibly showing my age here, but Perry Como released a punny song “What did Delaware, boys” with a follow-on verse, “What did Tennessee, boys”

As I promised, I will now go sit in the norty corner for at least five minutes. 🤓


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