Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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My profile says that I have been a member since March 2019. It feels much shorter and much longer than that at the same time. I've been on staff here, in one form or another, since late 2019. In my time here I have encountered an incredible range of girls. Some girls are burning so brightly with their transitions that they light up the space where ever they are. Some are stuck in the depths of despair. I've talked to girls who were ready to end everything. I've talked to girls who lost their families, lost their jobs, lost their homes, lost all their hope. I've met incredibly courageous girls who have changed their entire lives, and very frightened girls who let their fears become like prison cells. Liars, cheaters, manipulators, exploiters. All manner of people come here. We seem to attact the extremes of humanity. The very best, and sometmes the very worst. It is the girls who are trying to do the next right thing, groping through the dark, that have my heart. Life is not easy, and this life is especially challenging.
If no one has told you today that they love you, let me be the first.
What a lovely person you are very recieptive thanks for your outlook.
Robyn, A very heartfelt and compassionate post. Being somewhat new here, a bit more than a year, I too have enjoyed interacting with the ladies here, and have noted the "extremes" of feelings and emotions brought about from being a crossdresser.
My heart goes out to those who are, for whatever reason, held back from being themselves in life, crossdressing included. Enjoy life, and be yourself, while knowing that sometimes that is not a simple task.
As stated in the Desiderata, You are a Child of the Universe, no less that the tress and the stars, YOU have a right to be here.
Love that poem.
Merry Christmas... Staci...
I'm a relative newbie here and I want to thank all for making this a great experience for me. It has become a way for me to consistently interact with like minded people and exchange ideas. It has also become a sounding board for me to expose my innermost thoughts on my gender and its incongruency with my physical self. There are many things that I have said here that I never exposed to anyone else making this somewhat cathartic for me. This honesty with myself and others has helped me envision what can be and what should be as I move forward with my life.
For all of this, I thank you all and send my love to you! I hope that what I have offered has helped others both day to day and for their futures.
Thanks Robyn,
as a girl who can (at least I hope) light up a room with my brightness some days and then swing to a much darker place other days ( on these days I need to draw light from the other girls) I can understand much of what your saying. So thank you for all you do to make this place possible.
I love you as well and appreciate the time and effort you put into making this the safe and supportive place that it is for us.
Thanks for all you have done to make CDH such a special place Robyn. I've been here since November 2019 and am so thankful that I decided to join. It has been a very interesting experience.
Over the years I've been a member on several forums but CDH is definitely the best forum I've ever been at, I guess the overall experience stems from the staff behind the forum, so thank you to all the staff