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Hi Gurls,
Well I'm sad to say, I'm going to be "off line" for a bit. I have some things to work on and reconcile, that are making life a bit hard for me right now. Well maybe not life, but certainly my relationship with my SO. Nothing at all related to my dressing habits oddly enough. But recently that "big green monster", came storming back into my life. My monster, not my SO's, and I really need to seek out some help in dealing with this.
I will be back, and try to make that sooner rather than later.
Love and hugs to you all!
Good luck Rebekka!!
Hugs for sure,
Hope you make things right again....quickly
praying for you Rebekka
Best wishes to you! You take care of yourself, we'll hold it down here til you get back =]
I hope you get it worked out Rebekka,
If there is anything we can do let us know
We will miss you til then.
Rebekka, i understand relationship problems unrelated to crossdressing. my SO and i are having problems. i hope things turn out well for you
Hi Rebekka, so sorry to hear your going away. If you need to talk, just drop me a message hun. Please take good care of yourself and come back when you feel it is right for yourself, Family issues always come first.
Fiona-Ann xxxx
Good luck to you and your SO's.