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A funny old day yesterday. Mrs B was out getting her hair done & I was waiting for the plumbers to arrive so I had a couple of hours to kill. Mooching through the TV options I came across a movie, The Danish Girl. I'm not usually a fan of drama's, I much prefer Sci-Fi films like Arrival or Interstellar but as this one featured Alicia Vikander who I very much liked in Ex-Machina I thought I would give it a go.
For anyone who doesn't know the film, it is a really relationship story about transgender artist Lili Elbe & her wife Gerde Wegener. It is based, at least in part, on a true story, tweaked for hollywood. Honestly I don't know whether to be worried or not having watched it. The number of parallels between my life & the characters in the movie were in many ways a bit too close for comfort. The most comforting part was the parallel between Mrs B & the Gerda character. Mostly the level of acceptance in both cases, although I think that she would probably feel the same if I went as far the Lili character. I'm not sure that I would want to find out for real even though it feels more like who I am these days.
As we are off visiting friends & family over the next couple of weeks we decided it would be a good opportunity for a clothes shopping splurge so we had a measuring up session last night & it didn't phase Mrs B one bit doing a bra fitting & dress sizing for me. This only reinforced my views on both the film's depiction of Gerda & how lucky I am to have Mrs B in my life. The one thing I definitely don't want to do is jeopardise this relationship, hence the too close for comfort statement.
At the end of the day this was just a movie but it had a much bigger effect on me than i had expected. Has anyone else seen this, or any other film that has made you question life this much.
I've seen it, although it was before I started getting any feminine feelings myself so I can't really comment on any parallels etc. I was definitely rooting for the Lili character though, so well played by Eddie Redmayne.