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We sometimes write effusively here about our latest acquisitions from the ladies' clothing department, so it might seem odd for me to mention my recent acquisition of a vacuum cleaner and spinbucket mop.
My late wife warned me that being a woman was not all about parading in heels at glamorous functions or relaxing in beauty parlours.
I would have to master also a repertoire of the mundane tasks historically relegated to women such as cleaning, cooking and laundry, etc.
She would have liked me to be a full-time "housewife" for her, but as this was not possible financially, weekends were our chance for me to transform into a traditional woman.
Arriving home from work on a Friday, it always gave me an intense thrill to hear her say matter-of-factly: "Put on a nice panty."
This statement signaled the start of a fulfilling two days of housekeeping/home-making and under her tutelage, I think I not only developed into an expert "housewife" but also learnt to experience and express my female identity through household chores.
My latest housekeeping tools reduce the effort and speed up the cleaning, leaving more energy and time for doing my nails and strutting my heels.
What's your take?
My sisters here have encouraged me to get a maid's uniform. I haven't done this yet. But I get a warm feminine glow as I get fully dressed for housekeeping time. Just last night, having returned home from a civic function, slipped off my guy slacks and already being in pantyhose, donned skirt, heels, and apron to touch up the kitchen before bedtime.
When dressed, I just go about and do whatever tasks I would otherwise do. It's rare that I'm all glamoured up.
Since leaving work in 2017, I've been been 'domestic technician, designate'. When I realised how much time alone I now had and began dressing again, I quickly discovered how much more enjoyable it is to do the housework en femme. Not only getting a chance to be dressed, but fulfilling that particular fantasy of mine to be 'the little woman about the house', whilst at the same time getting the jobs done!
These days, being out to my partner, I am de facto 'housewife'; she goes out to work and I stay home, doing the laundry, cleaning, baking and preparing meals. One particular thrill is that if she has to work late, I like to be waiting by the door with a welcoming kiss and a glass of wine or G&T, hoping she'll compliment me on my appearance and giggling shyly when she does 🤭
No it's not all glamour Katherine but it doesn't mean you can't be a little more femme in the way you dress doing the chores. Those fifties and sixties adverts showing a very well dressed woman doing the chores is an example albeit somewhat 'Stepford Wives'.
I do everything at home and garden wearing what I feel is appropriate and there are even days where a bit of hoovering in a nightie is quite normal.
I get more house chores done dressed in fem the thrill and excitement of cleaning etc dressed is fabulous especially when you get that maid outfit
Personal I love doing chores dressed up fem, baking, cleaning , organising !!!
I think I would make a great traditional housewife, all dressed up feminine in a A dress & High Heels ...
At lease part time , !!!!
Good morning
Given I had the opportunity to dress the other morning, I was preparing all of the ingredients for a beef cassarole after cleaning out our log burner and generally tidying up when there was a knock at the front door.
I picked up a tea towel and wiped my hands and answered the door completely forgetting I was dressed along with my apron. It was an Amazon delivery and guy handed me a parcel and took a photo of me holding it. We had a brief chat about this cold weather and he said goodbye. It was only when I closed the door that I realized that's the first time that someone has photographed me in my clothes. Looking in the mirror at my make up, I certainly didn't need to add anymore blusher !!
Thank you
When I'm cookin I love to get jiggy
et toi?
🍒🍒🍒I lov doing the Lady of the House, Housewife chores, all dressed up as a housewife in a soft pretty feminine dress, found out how much more enjoyable it is to do the housework en femme, and now much more enjoyable and faster it goes ..
Lov to be a full-time "housewife" , dressed is a soft pretty feminine 1950 or 1960 dress , & panty girdle, or shapewear as a house wife .. 💓💓