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im sure everyone here has their own little box of their life. what would they find if they opened it? (your phone) everything you have is probably on your phone. pictures of friends, family, emails, texts, crossdressing pictures, pictures of you naked, names and phone number of people you know, things you ordered, etc. have you ever wondered what would happen if you lost this box? maybe some of you did at one time. everything anybody wanted to know about you at their fingertips. scary is it?
As I am so out it wouldn't matter to me. Those that matter are the ones that will get to see everything and those that know nothing about the other side will react in whatever way they want, I won't be there!
There is no box just bits laying around, the phone isn't a worry and the main computer hasn't anything I would be embarrassed about, it certainly won't be a case of 'Hold the front page' so nothing to see here.
I have lived the vast majority of my life before cell phones, so losing it would not be a problem. I have also lost every single personal item in a wildfire (my heart goes out to my California neighbors currently expeiencing this,) and am doing just fine. Most of us are entirely too tied up in things that are not truly important. My box of life is full of memories and close relationships, and that is what is impprtant in life.
My phone goes everywhere with me. There's a lot of stuff that I don't put on it. I have a box at home of old stuff that's important to me, mostly stuff of sentimental value.
In the box there's my grandfather's identity papers from his army service, the train ticket from my last ever day working in London, my last school report, my first passport etc....
Phones do carry a lot mine under passcode then all my photos as a CDer are hiding and passcoded as well but I do panic when I hand someone mine to show a pic and hope I hide all mine do wonder tho what would happen if someone got it and was able to hack into it 🤔
I’m not out to my family so I never leave cd photos on my phone or my laptop for any length of time for fear they might accidentally get emailed to the wrong person. One wrong keystroke and the jig is up. Be cautious Ladies.
I’m not out to my family so I never leave cd photos on my phone or my laptop for any length of time for fear they might accidentally get emailed to the wrong person. One wrong keystroke and the jig is up. Be cautious Ladies.
I don't keep anything private only my phone and I don't keep any compromising materials there. At least not permanently. True, I have my banking apps and stuff like this, but crossdressing pictures are getting uploaded to my PC usually on the same or next day. I always switch the cloud copy storage off before taking those, and only switch it on again after I transfer my crossdressing pictures out of my phone, in an oldschool way - via the cable. They then rest in their special, password protected folder on my PC.
(of course I also have a local copy on a portable drive of all my pictures).
I keep a separate account on my Android phone for Diana. I keep everything there. It is not very intuitive to know there are multiple accounts setup. I do not fear my wife will open my phone or look over my shoulder when searching for something and something I did not want her to see show up. I also keep a pin code on both my accounts.
Yesterday my wife asked me to share my google photos with her. Because I keep the separate account I was not worried she would see anything I did not want her to see.
First up, this old bird only uses an old flip phone for texts and calls. It only does postage size photos, so I dont bother. I have an old I phone for music and would not have that if my I pods were still "alive." Tho I do use it for communicating with folks like my BFF Dani.
I use a digital camera for Caty and 90% of the shots taken are on USB's, not on the hard drive.
My lovely DADT partner never goes anywhere near either my phone or laptop.
Let's see, a girl can't just have one little box. Instead, I have countless shoe boxes, a few drawers, a clothes rack, and a few things tucked in nooks and crannies. All my fem stuff. That would be the big surprise. And it's mostly in the open, easy for a nosy house guest to find.
I'm so old that I keep nothing on my phone, which I have locked up with a complex password anyway. My laptop is locked up similarly. My box, however, is a room in my house. I had a contractor build a room in the basement which is my makeup room, and it's femmy as all get out. All my clothes, makeup, and whatnot is in that room, and while I would like to hire that contractor for other jobs I have a feeling he would want to see the room to see how it's holding up and what it's being used for and I honestly don't know what he would think as soon as he opened the door and was greeted by so much girly stuff. "Oh, my mom is staying with us and using the room, but she's not here right now" just sounds like the coverup it is. Maybe I just need to get some courage and admit the truth and see what happens. I just hope it doesn't result in my losing this contractor, because he does do really good work. We'll see....