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Living full time.

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Eminent Member     Rolla, Missouri, Uzbekistan
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I'm just curious.  How many members here live fulltime  as women.  I wish I could but the farthest I would go would be hormones.   Is it difficult?  

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Honorable Member     Tucson, Arizona, United States of America
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Hey Jennifer,

You wouldn't need hormones. A wig, listick, and the determination "to go for it."

Disclosure. I don't live as a woman, BUT the thought has been on my mind of late.

With affection,


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Reputable Member     Sarasota, Florida, United States of America
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Jen I have lived as Dani for several years now.  Is it difficult?  The process that got me here definitely was.  The rejection by most of my family members was the first challenge.  Although I had been crossdressing for many years and had made incredible progress refining my mannerisms, voice, make up skills, etc., it was still part time and I had to transition back to my male persona at some point.  When it became a daily thing, I had to put in the work to refine things even more to where I had to instinctively do all of these things without thinking about it.  Studying videos, reading articles, and practicing everything took up most of my time.  All of the daily challenges like introducing Danielle to my employers, shopping, etc was also a challenge.  Slowly it all started coming together but it was a process.  Now, getting ready for the day takes longer, (beauty regimen, makeup, wardrobe) and being in the world as a woman has it’s own challenges.  It takes a lot and as I age, it becomes more challenging.  

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Trusted Member     Phoenix, Arizona, United States of America
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Thanks for the insight (having just turned 50 lol).

In a recent discussion, possibility of HRT was discussed.

I don’t plan to surgically transition.  In that event, would HRT be wise, or just stick to what it takes to “make” the look?

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Reputable Member     Sarasota, Florida, United States of America
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@purplepandajdk JD hrt is a lifetime commitment with its own challenges.  As I age, I have considered it but the health risks keep me from going forward.  Diet, exercise and especially skin care are working for me bit it depends on where you want your joirney to take you.  Good luck

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Trusted Member     Phoenix, Arizona, United States of America
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Thank you, and totally agree.  Have read some info, and come to the conclusion that if I were in my 20s, I’d probably consider it more, but being 50, it doesn’t make too much sense.

(@Anonymous 76954)
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@jenn568 If my circumstances were different and something terrible happened like not having my wife with me  I would think about moving to a larger town and live full time as stephanie, or at least a majority of my time in girl mode

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Reputable Member     Saginaw, Michigan, United States of America
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@jenn568 I have been living full time as Denise for about 4 years now. I have even legally changed my name to Denise and my middle name to Michelle. It wasn't really difficult for me because I had been wanting to do this for years and finally got away from a lot of the people I know and have developed some female friends now. I even have my voice down pat. I guess it was just easy for me to pass and knowing that I will keep doing what I'm doing.

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
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@jenn568  Jennifer I am presenting almost all the time as Cassie.  I am dressed as male only at my fulltime job, it is too much time and effort to do so so I can deliver the mail.  I am out to family, co-workers, my church ad dress as Cassie everywhere.  I think for now I only want to socially transition.  That means no HRT or surgeries BUT living full time as Cassie.  I even have a parttime job at Torrid. 


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Trusted Member     Phoenix, Arizona, United States of America
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Thanks for this!!!

This is where I’m headed!

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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Lots of girls socially transition.  Living full time but not doing a medical transition.

HRT is not a trivial decision.  Yes, it will give you the curves you've always dreamed of.  And a bunch of other things will happen that you may not expect or want.  By the 1-year mark, many of those changes are permanent.  Buyer's remorse REALLY sucks with HRT.  You have to be sure it's the right decision for you.  Usually that means you NEED it.  If you're having a hard time living as a guy, that's a pretty good sign.

BTW - I'm trans and have been on HRT 30 months.


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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
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@jenn568 I'm working toward full time.   I'm dressed about 2/3 of the time now and want more.   The hardest thing for me now is building a nice four season women's wardrobe.   I really want to start HRT but I have some complicating medical issues so it may take some time.   In the meantime, I'm learning more and more how to be a girl everyday (manerisms, etc).

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Reputable Member     Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
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I wish i could jennifer but as you said it's difficult.

Sarah xx

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In all of my civic, political and charitable activities, DeeAnn is the person of record. Very few have ever met Don over the nearly 8 years that I have been here.

When I came out in October of 2015 (which is a story by itself!), I was about 4 months from retirement, so I really didn’t give a shit. I have no plans to do HRT or any surgical interventions.

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Honorable Member     Tucson, Arizona, United States of America
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Yea, DeeAnn!

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Baroness Annual
Famed Member     New York, United States of America
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I have been living full time as a woman for the last 15 months. I have no desire to take hormones or undergo any type of transition surgery.

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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I am living full time and over the years thoughts on surgery and hormones were considered. In the meantime I carried on developing my look and worked with the body given me. It has worked out well for me and can say it has it's difficulties in development but once it all comes together it works and is easy. I have recently started hormones after a chat with my doctor. I don't expect miracles and look at it as an enhancement in the long term.

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Noble Member     Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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I am a full time girl, transitioned 19 months ago and have never looked back. I am a cardiac patient taking heart meds each day, so I am not able to take hormones. I am only 5'6", 170lbs, inherited my mom's facial features and can wear ordinary ladies petite size L, so fortunately I pass and don't stand out in a crowd. I recently found out that I am an intersex person, actually a woman, which may help in understanding how I pass and have always known that I was a woman...because I am!

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Reputable Member     Fayetteville, Arkansas, United States of America
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I wish I was.  I am at home, but living in a small town has its challenges when I go out.  I would have to move to be full time, and might just do that one day soon.


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(@Anonymous 76954)
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hi gals,

i have been on hrt for a few months, & living "full time" or whatever for about 3 years.

it's really a misnomer to think of it in terms of "part time" or "full time".  there's a lot of in between in there, especially at first.

Jennifer, you asked if it's difficult?  yes and no.  no cuz you feel more like your natural self.  yes cuz you have to spend more time on your appearance.

in the future i may consider orchiectomy or perhaps even labiaplasty.  vaginoplasty is not necessary for me. 

i began hrt as more of a mental health regimen.  people think it's all about the physical changes but those just desireable side effects.  the mental game is where it's at. 😉

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Eminent Member     Rolla, Missouri, Uzbekistan
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What's a labiaplasty?

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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
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@jenn568 Labiaplasty is gender affirming surgery that creates female appearing genitalia (i.e. a Vulva).  It can be performed in conjunction with Vaginoplasty for those looking for full depth or alone for those desiring zero or minimal depth genitals.

(@Anonymous 76954)
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@lauren114  yep that's what it is lol.  "full depth" is some serious business.

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Estimable Member     Warrensburg, Missouri, United States of America
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@bang I also find the mental benefits of hormones has made a huge impact on me. I have been on HRT for six months. I feel so much better mentally. I noticed being a little more tired than I had been before but have added a multivitamin to my daily pills and now feel better than I have in several years.


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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
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I am working toward living full time.  As of right now, I'm up to about four days a week of being authentic.   Hopefully in the near term I can get all the way there.  I'm also working toward getting on hormones but I do have some health complications that need to be sorted out first.  One of my goals for 2024 is to get on HRT at least in small doses.

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Eminent Member     Rolla, Missouri, Uzbekistan
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Thank you all for replying.  I've been out in public wearing women's jeans and tops.  Been thinking about going out in leggings or joggers.  What did you wear when you went out in public for the first time?

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@jenn568 There is a huge difference between going out in public for the first time wearing leggings and starting hormone therapy.

I think that you need to better understand what you are doing now vs what your ambitions are.

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Eminent Member     Wilmington, Delaware, United States of America
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I have always had the desire to live as a girl and or women in later years. After the passing of the love in my life just into covid shutdown, I found myself at home alone. Because of the guilt, embarrassment plus other complications I figured I was going to go with it to get my full and get it out of my system before getting into another relationship. Well just the opposite happened and I walked out my front door for the first time as Janice April 2021. It feels so natural to me and my spirit feels free which is a feeling that I have never experienced. I am now living my life full time as Janice. I have been on HRT since Oct. 2021 and just had a vulvoplasty Oct. 5, 2023. I work full time in a VA Hospital since 09 as a plumber/pipefitter maint. mech. I am living my life fully and feel a love for myself that I also never thought was possible. It only gets better and I am so thankful to be able to live and express my true self at this time in my life. Happy Woman Face Trans Heart . Love. Janice

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(@Anonymous 76954)
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@jan2 I truly admire your story, Janice.   I haven’t managed to live full-time, instead moving incrementally towards that goal.   Looking back, it seems to me that the incremental approach, instead of allowing one to ease into full time, may actually create new mental roadblocks.   For instead of every day experiencing the joys of an authentic life, that truth is put back in the box.   It can become a bit of the 2 steps forward 3 steps, always a reason to repress oneself for the moment.   


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Eminent Member     Wilmington, Delaware, United States of America
Posts: 34

Thank you Kim for it is nice to see your reply. You know we struggle with our diversity. All we look for at times is just a little privacy and time for ourselves to express that which compels us. It has brought anger, shame and humiliation amongst other things. But because we have followed the way society expected of us we never had the time to fully explore our diversity. We have entered into loving and committed relationship and built families. Never getting any loved ones to understand and sympathize with our condition for support. It is a tiresome journey for sure. Bless you Kim. Happy Trails to you. Love. Janice.

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(@Anonymous 76954)
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Thank you, Janice!

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Noble Member     Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America
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Hi Jennifer, I think the only difficulty is what you perceive as difficult.  I've been out and full time for years (I'm intersex).  I've had my ups and downs but for me the bottom line is that it's just life and what you make of it.  You could have all the clothes, makeup and operations in the world but if your mind and heart isn't there it just won't work.  If you can be happy with yourself things will fall into place.  Wishing you the best,  Marg

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Noble Member     Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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@margprodue  Thank you Marg, so very true!

For Jennifer and all the girls in these posts, listen carefully to what Marg and I have to say - we have been living our lives as women for quite awhile.  If you aren't finding yourself mentally ready to transition to living as a woman, and all that involves, if you have serious doubts and are facing fears, I would recommend waiting until your heart gives you the green light!


Ms. Lauren M

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Noble Member     Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America
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@reallylauren   Well said Lauren, and thank you also.  And again to all the girls, just take your time and celebrate with any progress.  It starts out as just a jump to the left.....Hugs,  Marg

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Prominent Member     Oregon, United States of America
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I have been full time for a month, it sure felt strange to have male clothes afterward. Sorta like the first time you wear long pants after the summer turns to fall. I live in shorts, skirts, and sundresses all summer.

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Noble Member     Brighton, Michigan, United States of America
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In my fashion, I do consider myself to be full time.  I do not present as a woman, but have been openly dressing in feminine attire on a daily basis for the past 4 years and quite frequently over the previous 3 years.  Currently, family events are the only areas where I limit myself predominately to masculine wear, but even then I do not solely wear masculine attire.

MacKenzie Alexandra

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