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Ok girls, I finally got out in public…kind of. Friends I’ve chatted with here know I’m very timid about getting out. The closest I’ve come is the one time I went to a hotel, in drab, got all dressed up in my room, ordered from Door Dash and answered the door as Lola. Well I finally took another small step, one that many of you have taken as a gateway to the real world. I walked out of my house (late at night) got in my car, and went for a drive. Now this little excursion did not include interacting with anyone but I did go to a gas station and got out of the car to pump the gas and pay at the pump. That counts right?
It was so wonderful to be out in my lovely new dress, matching shoes, face made up and my favorite wig. I was really surprised how much impact the little details had on me, like putting on my seatbelt and adjusting it between my ample breast forms. LOL
Turns out I picked an extremely windy day to be out. I learned what it’s like to pay and pump gas while holding back my hair to keep it out of my face and struggling to keep my dress from ballooning up! I went to a busy gas station near the interstate but parked at one of the far pumps. I wanted to be in the presence of other people, but at a distance. At one point I thought a car was going to pull up to the pump next to me…oh the anxiety! Surprisingly I was just a tiny bit disappointed when they drove on by and I realized it would have been an opportunity to at least be in the presence of a stranger as Lola for only the second time ever. After that I drove around for almost an hour, just being me.
It was a lovely experience and just right for me right now. I don’t know if I’ll ever take it to the next level but I will make the gas station run again. Thanks to anyone who reads this, it feels so good to be able to share and maybe encourage some of the more timid girls like me.
Hugs girlfriends!
Congratulations on stepping out, even if only from the car. Your inspiring me, maybe some day I can announce like you have. Many thanks for sharing.
Buckle up, girl, you've pushed the cart over the edge of the hill. Let yourself enjoy the ride! 😉
I will Melodee! That was about a week ago and today it was time to fill the gas tank again. I came sooo close to going home first and dressing for the trip again! Sadly time did not permit. Maybe next time. 👍
Lola -
Very happy for you having that experience. Hopefully you'll be able to repeat it soon. It's one I'm still waiting to have.
It's the start of getting out there as you learned something for next time -Check the wind speed! Thanks for sharing a lovely experience.
There are so many positive reasons to go out into the world and experience it as Lola, as your friends here have mentioned. I think the most important one is- because it is who you are. You are allowing yourself to become YOU. We all are…
Congratulations Lola. That 100% counts. So glad it was such a positive experience for you.
Way to go Lola! It may seem like a small step but it was a huge 🚶♀️ step! Yay!!!